Without Silicon Valley Brains And Courage America And Perhaps The Entire World Is Doomed (3-28-14)

Preface dated 3-29-2014

The day the below material was written on 3-28-2014, I searched all three websites on my son Willy’s recovery for a blog I had written about a year and a half ago.  After being unable to find this blog, I wrote the material below from memory.

Today I decided to do a little research, and many of the numbers I used in the material below cannot be found, nor can the article my prior blog was based on.  

My memory on certain things is pretty good.  I did not try to falsely represent anything in the material below.  I was working from memory, that’s all.  Today I have a bit more Internet Time, and I decided to look at the statistics on ADHD a little further.  What I am finding does not jive “with what I found and read on the Internet before”.  I made corrections to reflect this.  

Despite the discrepancies mentioned, the statistics are still alarming.  

Of concern to me is the fact that from both a conceptual and practical standpoint, my son and I found the best way to correct depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder, yet our federal government ignores this, as well as ignores all of the times the American Mafia has tried to kill me to protect Big Pharma’s lies. (I could pass 1000 lie detector tests in the latter regard.  What happened to me really happened – it is a miracle I am still alive.)

Due to NSA monitoring of all Internet activity, and my openly blogging for a justifiable revolution in America since the fall of 2011, our federal government cannot claim they do not know about me and “what I represent”. 

Of even greater concern to me is that Silicon Valley has to a certain extent become aware of me as well, yet I still stand alone for these millions of children for whom “a real cure has been found”.  

ADHD in children, depression in children, autism in children, bipolar disorder in children are all correctable naturally, and it is not that hard to do in the majority of cases.  

When Willy took his first baggie of supplements in 2004, he said “From taking that first baggie, I felt great for four days afterwards”. That is how powerful nutritional AND NATURAL supplements can be, if combined properly.

Young children that are broadly essential nutrient deficient (as so many are) would all respond profoundly well to what I know, and do so on day one in the majority of cases.

I thought quite a bit about this blog and it’s many implications last night at the homeless shelter I am staying at in downtown San Francisco.

Lastly, a computer could be called “an extension of the human brain”.  What good is the extension of the human brain if the brain behind it is “too impaired in which to learn and retain information” or “too impaired such that one’s critical thinking skills are flawed”?

Allen D

Dear Fellow Americans:

Below this copy written by me is one article on the Internet related to high, and rapidly rising, ADHD rates.

It sure seems that the more one researches over the Internet the topic of rising autism, ADHD and other mental illness rates, the worse things get.

While my son Willy and I found >>>the best natural way ever discovered<<< to CURE depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder (and more) between 2004 and 2009, and the Feds know it (from monitoring me on the Internet), our Federal Government keeps mandating medications to treat nutrient deficiencies and toxic and allergic syndromes.

This FRAUD of pushing drugs ON AN UNSUSPECTING AMERICAN PUBLIC and on millions of American children when nutrients and other natural measures CAN AND DO CURE is a Cause for a Justifiable Patriot REVOLUTION IN AMERICA all on it’s own.

In a single decade between 2000 and 2010, the numbers of children diagnosed with ADHD went from a little over 6 million to over 10 million, a 42% rise.

[Important Note: I find it odd today that I can only find that 6.4 million kids are diagnosed with ADHD by a Google Search, and the 10 million number I am referring to in this blog is a number I cannot find.  I also find it odd that the blog I wrote this blog on from memory is gone from the site I had put it on.  My memory on this does not fail me.  I did read on the Internet in the fall of 2012 that over 10 million kids had ADHD, and the medication rates for such were 88%.  I was so struck by these numbers I did a WordPress blog in this regard.  This blog, and the Internet reference it was based on, cannot be found by me today 3-29-14.  Regardless of 6 million or 10 million ADHD kids, these are alarming numbers.  They translate to one in five boys.)

Of these 10 million kids, almost 90% are on medication. (Again, I can no longer find the reference this sentence was based on.)

Something like nine million American children are taking medication today for ADHD, while conventional medicine inherently claims “this is the best answer that we can find to treat these children”, and also inherently claims “these nine million children are sufficient in all essential nutrients”.

According to modern medicine in America, essential nutrient deficiency has nothing to do with these children being hyperactive at all.

The same goes for the Federal Government.  By federal law, ONLY A DRUG CAN TREAT OR CURE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING illness-wise.

Imagine you are the child taking Ritalin at 11 years old. You have probably been told “your brain does not work right”, and this pill will make things better. Can you imagine the loss of self esteem these children feel from being told their brain is broken and does not work quite right, and that they need to take a pill prescribed by a doctor in order to fix their brain so it works right?

What good can come of this fraud being perpetuated on millions of children?

It is worthy to note that Ritalin, the most prescribed medication, is a form of speed that both suppresses appetite and revs up metabolism–> therefore causing greater mineral, amino acid and other essential nutrient deficiencies.

In treating the symptoms, the underlying essential nutrient deficiency problems are made worse.

Who has the Power to Stop this Madness, and this Crime Against Humanity, especially the Young and Innocent in America?

America is the most drugged nation on earth, from both a legal drug and illegal drug standpoint.  Sadly, American children are a big target for drugs being prescribed by doctors.

Our Federal Government has the Power to Stop This Madness, but it is in bed with Big Pharma, and Big Pharma is in bed with the American Mafia.  What an unholy triumvirate this is (unless the Mafia can be convinced to Switch Sides).

The Only Power that I can think of that will stop this crime against millions of innocent children is Silicon Valley.

Alternative Medicine is too weak to be effectively heard in America.  During the push for the Affordable Care Act, despite all I saw on TV, I do not remember alternative medicine being spoken of AT ALL. Not once.

GMO’s are known to either cause or contribute to mineral deficiencies, gut biology problems, and food allergy problems–> and all three of these issues are causative of ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

GMO use has exploded in America in the past two decades.  ADHD rates and mental illness rates will, and must, rise as a result of GMO’s further contaminating America’s food supply.

Yet the Federal Government does not even mandate that GMO foods be labeled, and staunchly resists such.

The burden on society of so many learning disabled and mentally ill children is going to overwhelm America.

Nothing will change, unless there is a Silicon Valley supported Justifiable Revolution in America such that Alternative Medicine “becomes unchained”.

Our Federal Government watched repeatedly while the American Mafia tried to kill me in 2010, 2011, 2012 (and perhaps 2013) for finding the proper manner to cure ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Schizophrenia and did absolutely nothing to help me.

Even more puzzling to me is I know that Silicon Valley became Aware of Me to some extent, yet it appears that no one will offer me safe haven due to fear of the Mafia, I suppose. (I sure wish people here would realize that the Mafia kills in secret.  They cannot do anything to us if “we get together, watch each other’s back, and wisely use the Power of the Internet”.)

Who is going to speak for these ten million children diagnosed with ADHD when the bad guys finally get to me due to my fellow human beings abandoning me?

Can’t something be done to stop this madness of leaving so many American children compromised at a rate that is growing alarmingly?

Modern medicine based on fraudulent science and bad food based on fraudulent science will destroy America.

The health of a nation depends on the health of its People.  This should be patently obvious.

FDR once said, the health of American People depends on the health of American Soil, or something similar to this.  The Roundup pesticide used to grow GMO foods damages soil health by damaging soil biology. All of this is known by science, but our Federal Government ignores these scientific facts, and will continue to do so to benefit “its Corporate Donors” (our political system is broken).

The big question in my mind is Why? does our Federal Government act Against the Health of the American Public, and the Health of American children? when it should be obvious that this means the Demise of the America sooner or later.

Don’t the Smart People in Silicon Valley smell some sort of conspiracy here?  

There is no Future For America unless Silicon Valley jointly and courageously steps up to the plate, accepts its role in history, and fights back IN FORCE with the Truth to Uncover Federal Government Suppression of Truth on Multiple Fronts.

IMHO, Google is the Leader in Silicon Valley. It is upon their corporate decisions at the highest levels that America’s Future Rests.

However, the Rest of Silicon Valley should not leave Google hanging on their own–>

The Rest of Silicon Valley should jointly support this Great Company to help bring Truth to BOTH American Food and American Medical Practice, or–>

God Help Us All. 

Without Silicon Valley Brains and Courage Soon–>

And Without the American Mafia relenting, and realizing that the Smart Folks in Silicon Valley are very likely to be willing to negotiate a Win-Win deal to try to save this country from the dead end course it is on, then–>

America, and perhaps the Entire World–>

Is Doomed–>

And so am I.

Allen Darman


Psychiatric insanity: Over 20% of young boys labeled ‘ADHD’


  The percentage of U.S. children between the ages of 4 and 17 years who have been labeled with the diagnosis rose to a mind-boggling 42 percent between 2003 and 2011. Nearly 1 in 5 high school boys and 1 in 11 high school girls had been diagnosed with ADHD

NaturalNews – December 5, 2013
by J. D. Heyes

It’s no secret that, increasingly, Big Pharma, in cahoots with traditional medicinal practitioners, have created a society of near-zombies with all of the mood altering medications they push on the public. But even these figures are shocking.

According to recently published information from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an astounding 20-plus percent of all 14-year-old boys in the United States have been diagnosed, at one time or another over the course of their lives, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – a condition that is, of course, treated with dangerous medications.

As reported by CNSNews.com:

The study also said more than 20 percent of 11-year-old boys had been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives.

The study indicated that American boys were 125 percent more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD, and that boys were 127 percent more likely than girls to be medicated for it.

13.3 percent of American 11-year-old boys are being medicated for ADHD, said the study.

That’s incredible; one in five American teenaged boys have been “diagnosed” with this “disorder.”

‘It highlights the consistent increases in ADHD diagnoses since 2003′

But it gets worse; according to the CDC’s study, the percentage of U.S. children between the ages of 4 and 17 years who have been labeled with the diagnosis rose to a mind-boggling 42 percent between 2003 and 2011.

In addition, the study found that kids in public health programs like Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) were 53 percent more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than children with private health insurance. So not only are too many kids being diagnosed with this “disorder,” but you’re paying for it.

“The parent-reported prevalence of a history of an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis by a health care provider among U.S. school-aged children increased from 7.8 percent in 2003 to 11 percent in 2011, an increase of 42 percent in less than a decade,” said the study, which was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

“This study is really based on the parent-reported survey data and it extends what we know about the increasing prevalence of health-care-provider diagnosed ADHD,” Susanna Visser, of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, said in a CDC podcast.

“It highlights the consistent increases in ADHD diagnoses since 2003,” said Visser, who was one of the authors of the study. “Now we also document that there’s been significant increases in the percentage of kids 4-17 years of age who are taking medication for ADHD since 2007.”

The ADHD diagnosis is not evenly distributed among the nation’s children, the study also found.

“Ever-diagnosed ADHD was more common among children with health care coverage than those without coverage, and among those with public coverage than with private coverage,” it said. “Nearly 1 in 5 high school boys and 1 in 11 high school girls had been diagnosed with ADHD.”

Continuing, the researchers said, “Estimates of medicated ADHD increased in 2011, as compared to 2007, particularly among teen boys. In 2011, the highest medicated ADHD prevalence was among 11-year-old boys (13.3 percent).”

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043139_ADHD_psychiatric_insanity_overdiagnosis.html#ixzz2mcuDYmK

One thought on “Without Silicon Valley Brains And Courage America And Perhaps The Entire World Is Doomed (3-28-14)

  1. Reblogged this on A Call 4 Justifiable Revolution and commented:

    There is no Future For America unless Silicon Valley jointly and courageously steps up to the plate, accepts its role in history, and fights back IN FORCE with the Truth.

    IMHO, Google is the Leader in Silicon Valley. It is upon their corporate decisions at the highest levels that America’s Future Rests.

    However, the Rest of Silicon Valley should not leave Google hanging on their own–>

    The Rest of Silicon Valley should jointly support this Great Company to help bring Truth to BOTH American Food and American Medical Practice, or–>

    God Help Us All for–>

    Without Silicon Valley Brains and Courage Soon–>

    And Without the American Mafia relenting and realizing that the Smart Folks in Silicon Valley are willing to negotiate a Win-Win deal,

    America, and perhaps the Entire World, is Doomed–>

    And so am I (I am targeted to be killed for knowing far too much).

    Allen Darman

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