God Is In Charge Of The Destiny Of A WordPress Collaborative Patriot Blogging Team It Seems

I am not Jesus Christ, but he sure seems like a Soul Brother to me. I Obeyed His Key Concepts, and I have no regrets.

Incidentally, I am not the only member of my WordPress Collaborative Patriot Team that has undergone multiple murder attempts by the Mafia. My Anonymous WordPress Team Members in San Francisco have suffered through DOZENS of poison gas attacks from members of the Mafia. These poison gas attacks began in early December of 2012, and were particularly frequent in January 2013. I am still getting messages in September 2013 via the methodology of “Intuitive Collaboration Using WordPress” that my WordPress Collaborative Patriot Team Members in San Francisco are undergoing poison gas attacks.  In addition to this, Mark Jaquith of CoveredWebServices.com, whom is the foremost WordPress Expert on our WordPress Collaborative Patriot Team, and is a “true American Hero that I will love to the day I die”… may also have taken heat from the Mafia by being threatened in some way.

via God Is In Charge Of The Destiny Of A WordPress Collaborative Patriot Blogging Team It Seems.

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