Willy’s Baggies vs. All One Nutrient Formula Or Protein Powders (3/12/2010)

Dear Friends:

Via the Internet a person asked me a little while ago “what about using a powdered nutrient formula such as All One vs. taking Willy’s baggies”?

After I had answered this person briefly, I thought “This is a real good question. It deserves a far more detailed answer than the one I wrote”. Therefore, I decided to significantly expand on this topic, and make a blog out of it.


Dear (name removed):

Yes, nutrient formulas such as All One do help some persons. In the opinion of some, All One is “fairly good stuff”. It admittedly works well for many. I am not disagreeing with you on this. (All One can be found on http://www.all-one.com/en/index.php

I am aware of a person in a Yahoo egroup called Safeharbor2 that claimed that All One powders had helped him to recover from a lack of mental health. (I believe that he had a schizo-affective or schizophrenic diagnosis at one point, but I am not sure of this.) This person was active in this Safeharbor2 egroup for quite a few years. He could not speak highly enough of All One. I did believe this man’s repeated claims over a period of years regarding All One helping him with his own personal health recovery.

However, All One did little or nothing for me. To explain:

A few years years prior to my hearing about All One from the man mentioned in the above,  I did buy and take a few different blends from All One.  This occurred in the late 1990’s.  (It has been so long I do not remember the specifics of which blends I bought.) Although All One seemed to be OK as far as the ingredients listed on the can, none the two (or perhaps three) blends of All One that I bought seemed to do much for me in regard to the degree of health recovery (or symptom remission) that I sought.

Perhaps I should note that I have tried a great many things in my recovery from manic depression since the fall of 1997. From September 1997 until August 2002 (until my money ran out) I spent an average of about $500. a month either shopping in a health food store or on the Internet, trying anything and everything that seemed to make sense to me. I used alternative medical books as one guide in this regard. As a second guide, I used “how I felt” from using whatever supplement or natural measure I tried.

One problem with blended powdered products such as All One

I remember that I could tell a noticeable difference in how I felt from using one blend vs. another of the All One blends that I took. One blend seemed better than the other as far as “how I felt” from taking it.  However, no All One product that I took achieved what I sought.

I suspect that problem in regard to one blend “feeling better for me” than the other may have been some sort of food allergy exposure from something in All One. I have number of hidden food allergies. (I found this out by going on an elimination diet in February 1999, after two “esteemed alternative medical laboratory” food allergy tests had failed me in this regard.)

I will give an example of food allergy exposure as it relates to powdered blended products that I tried years after my trying All One products. Garden of Life, Jordan Rubin’s company, sells a powdered green food product called “Perfect Food”. First they had only one version of this, and then they came out with a second version. I felt OK using the Original Blend, but not nearly as good when using the second. This second green food blend contained “peppers”, a vegetable I am quite allergic to, as I am nightshade allergic. (After trying many blends over the years I finally found a blended product that I like called “Miracle Greens” from another manufacturer. I think that I react allergy-wise a little bit to this blend as well, but overall it seems to “help me more than hurt me”.)

As a result of the above experiences that I have had over the years with blended powdered products such as All One, Perfect Food, etc. it is my belief that any person using a comprehensive nutrient formula with a lot of ingredients should try a number of different blends before choosing one.  It is wise to use the following as a guide in regard to making a decision of “what is the best blend for you”: (1) what is on the ingredients list, and (2) “how do you feel” from using such. Of these points #1 and #2, in my opinion #2 is by far the most important.

The potential for food allergy exposure is not the only problem when using blended products. Nor is it even the biggest.  There is often a second problem far more serious than potential food allergy exposure when using comprehensive nutrient formulas or protein powders to overcome any serious degree of depression or mental illness whatsoever.

A second problem with using All One vs. Willy’s Baggies

The most critical problem with using blended powdered products, or protein powders, in an attempt to heal from depression or mental illness concerns the form of the amino acid content in these products.  This second problem is more prevalent, and more important, than that of the potential for food allergen exposure from the use of such products.

Despite the fact that protein consists entirely of amino acids, there is an enormous difference between ingesting (eating) protein, and ingesting broad based amino acids, as far as understanding human health, and understanding health recovery, is concerned. This difference stems from the fact that the amino acids in protein foods are linked together, such that these amino acids are not able to be absorbed, and/or not able to be used by your body and brain in their current state. The amino acid content in protein foods is useless to your body and brain, unless these amino acids are (1) disassembled from each other by digestive and enzymatic action, (2) then absorbed into your body, (3) and then put back together inside of you in a form that you may need. (This is knowledge that everyone should know.)

The “therapeutic problem” with blended nutrient products (such as All One, which contains protein powder, vitamins, minerals, etc.), or all protein powders, is that the vast majority of persons that suffer from autism, ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and the like CANNOT DIGEST AND/OR ABSORB PROTEIN FOODS WELL AT ALL, no matter what dietary source it comes from.

The form of the amino acid content in blended powdered products, or protein powders, is that it is in protein form.  It is not in the form of broad based free form amino acids.  One of the reasons for this is cost.  Protein powders are rather inexpensive to manufacture.  Free form broad based amino acids are not that expensive, especially when one considers what they can do in a therapeutic sense, but they are significantly more expensive than protein powders.

Persons with serious mental illness problems can, at times, hardly digest and/or absorb the amino acid content of protein foods at all. One common factor underlying this is a yeast overgrowth called candida. Another common problem is a lack of an adequate amount of digestive enzymes. (There are numerous other common problems as well. All of these problems relate to malabsorption in some way.)

In general, the more symptomatic that one is from any “mental illness”, the greater degree of difficulty one is having at the moment in regard to digesting protein foods, and/or absorbing their amino acid content.

For the brain and body to function properly, the amino acids inherent in protein foods are a daily dietary requirement. However, it is not protein that the body and brain uses from the protein foods that one may eat. It is the amino acid content of the protein foods that one may eat that is needed by the body and the brain.

The fact that there is a daily requirement of amino acids for the body and brain to function properly is irrefutable biological fact.

In regard to those with a mental illness diagnosis, often a good portion of protein foods that are ingested do not make it into the body. These protein foods in part become “food for candida, bad bugs, parasites, and other problematic biology” in the GI tract, rather than “food needed for you”. Invariably, a substantial portion of the amino acid content in foods that are eaten by ANY person with a serious “psychiatric labels” is simply pooped into the toilet a day or two later.

What happens when the above occurs is that the body, in an attempt to work without adequate nutritional means, uses whatever amino acid reserves it may have, and/or it feeds on itself (for its daily amino acid needs). In doing so “the body comes up short” in regard to adequately supplying its amino acid needs, especially if any timeframe of significant duration is involved.

The above concepts apply to (1) the protein in blended nutrient formulas such as All One, (2) the protein in blended nutritional products from other manufacturers besides All One, (3) the protein in protein powders, such as whey, soy, or rice, or (4) ANY OTHER PROTEIN CONTAINED IN VIRTUALLY ANY FOOD SOURCE.

The answer to all of this is biologically known and biologically obvious.

The information in this blog regarding protein and amino acids should be “common knowledge” that every person on this planet should know.  This knowledge should be taught in public schools worldwide by governmental mandate. In my opinion, it is a basic human right for people to be properly informed of the molecules that they are made out of. It is also a basic human right for people to be properly informed of how the molecules that we are made out of relate to human health, and health recovery. And of most critical importance, in today’s legislative climate of “Big Pharma bribing lawmakers to take nutrients away from the general public”, it is a basic human right for persons to have free and unfettered access to the molecules that they are made out of, without ANY governmental interference blocking such access.

If you do not know the gist of the following facts about protein and amino acids, you CAN NOT properly understand mental or physical health.  Nor can you understand how to properly recover either your mental or physical health, if you happen to have lost it.

1.  Amino acids are the largest chemical class in the average human body by far, once the water is taken out.

The average human being is roughly 70% water.  Once the water is taken out of an average human being, about 70% of the remaining mass is amino acids (or is supposed to be, if deficiency is not present), about 20% is fats,about 5% is minerals. The small remaining few percent represents vitamins or toxins of one sort or another.

2.  Amino acids are “the chemistry of life itself”.

Almost EVERY SINGLE FUNCTION in the body, in the brain, and in every other organ and cell in your body REQUIRES AMINO ACIDS.

If these amino acids are not readily available in the quantity that is required, whatever function that they are involved in is impaired.

3.   Protein is composed 100% of amino acids.  The amino acid molecules in a protein molecule are linked together with each other.  A protein molecule is essentially hundreds, or thousands, of amino acid molecules linked together by a chemical bond.

4. Some say there are roughly 50 known neurotransmitters, and some say there are roughly 100 of them. Regardless of which count is correct, everyone should know that the majority of the nutrients used to make up neurotransmitters are AMINO ACIDS. Although various vitamins and minerals are needed in the production of many specific neurotransmitters, AMINO ACIDS are the heart of the matter.

5. The same principle as the above applies to hormones. The majority of the nutrients used to make up hormones are AMINO ACIDS. Although various vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids are needed in the production of many specific hormones, AMINO ACIDS are the heart of the matter.

6. DNA is 100% amino acids as well. Four specific amino acids make virtually all of the DNA in your body. (When was the last time that you heard that amino acids are the chemical building blocks of DNA? It sure smells funny to me that cancer, which is a problem with one’s DNA being made improperly when a cell divides, is never linked to a potential shortage of any of the four specific amino acids that DNA is actually made out of, such that new DNA that needs to be made as a result of cell division is improperly made.)

7.  A protein molecule, being between hundreds to thousands of amino acids molecules linked together, is a “giant boulder sized molecule” as far as your intestinal wall is concerned.

8.  Not one single molecule of protein from any kind of protein powder, or any protein contained in any food whatsoever, can pass through the intestinal wall and into the body.  This statement assumes that the intestinal wall is healthy (not “leaky”) and is performing as it should.

A protein molecule is simply far too large in which pass through the intestines and into the body.  Often it is “hundreds” or “thousands” of times too large.

9.  The only manner in which a protein molecule can pass into the body as a result of it being ingested is if a person has an unhealthy intestinal condition called “leaky gut”.  Leaky gut means that the walls of your intestines small holes present in them.  (These holes in one’s intestines are often caused by a yeast condition called candida, but there are other causes as well.)

When leaky gut is present, food particles (such as protein molecules) can pass directly into the body without having been absorbed through the intestinal wall at all.  These food particles pass through holes in the intestines as a result of some one having “leaky gut”. (A person that is healthy does not have holes in their gut. A person that is unhealthy has a strong likelihood of such.)

10.  A protein molecule that gets inside your body from leaky gut does not help your health; it actually hurts it.

A protein molecule from food that passes into your body as the result of leaky gut does not provide you with the amino acids that you need.  This is because these amino acids are still linked together.  And they are linked together in a combination that your body does not need.

Any protein molecule that passes into your body as a result of leaky gut is looked at by your body as an invader.  Your body knows that this protein molecule does not belong there, and it reacts to negate its presence.  The result is an autoimmune or inflammation response of some sort.

11.  Protein from foods that you eat is supposed to be broken down into its constituent amino acids during the digestive process.

12.  Unless the bonds between the long amino acid chains in protein molecules are adequately broken by (1) enough stomach acid as a preliminary step to prepare protein food for digestion, (2) enough digestive enzymes, and (3) enough action from “good gut flora” (known as probiotics), a good portion of the amino acid content in the food that you eat can be lost. This amino acid content in the protein food you ate is simply pooped down the toilet later, as it was not absorbed into the body.

13.  For amino acids to be absorbed into the body in the small intestines, where roughly 85% of nutrient absorption takes place, protein needs to be broken down into single molecules of amino acids (called peptides), or double molecules of amino acids (called di-peptides).

Only single amino acid molecules (peptides), and double amino acid molecules (di-peptides), are well absorbed through the cell wall of your intestinal villi.

Even three amino acid molecules linked together represents a molecule that is too large to be well absorbed. An example of this is as follows:

A triple amino acid molecule is called a tri-peptide.  One example of a tri-peptide the body uses is called glutathione.  Glutathoine is considered the master detoxification molecule in the body. It is made up one molecule each of the three amino acids of glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine.  A glutathione supplement taken orally is not well absorbed into your body, due to it being too large to be well absorbed (this is known biological fact).

What normally happens when a person takes a glutathione supplement orally is that this tri-peptide is broken down into its constituent amino acids.  These three amino acids molecules are then absorbed individually and independent of each other.  Perhaps these three individual amino acids meet again inside of you to form a glutathione molecule, just as they were before they were absorbed inside of you.  Far more likely is that these three molecules of this particular glutathione molecule that was broken down in your intestines do not ever meet again inside of you. However, they are not wasted. They are used by your body to form something else that it needed as well. All individual amino acids have a myriad of uses in the body. Amino acids are the components of thousands of chemicals that your body makes and needs (to include chemicals called hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters).

If a three amino acid unit (a tri-peptide) has a very hard time being absorbed in the villi of your small intestines, what do you think happens to a protein molecule that is made up of 3,548 amino acid molecules linked together? Or one of 10,000? (Ten thousand amino acid molecules in a protein molecule is not uncommon.)

[Incidentally, although glutathione is a key molecule involved in detoxification, it is by far not the only molecule that is needed in this regard. In truth, almost every single nutrient in the essential nutrient range has one or more roles in a variety of detoxification processes that occur in all human beings.]

14. Single and double molecules of amino acids from protein foods are supposed to be absorbed into your body in the small intestine.

The lining of your small intestine is primarily composed of cells called intestinal villi.  These intestinal villi all have “cell walls”.  It is though the cell walls of the villi in your small intestines that amino acid molecules are supposed to be absorbed.

15. Once amino acids are absorbed into your body, they are transported to where they are needed, and then assembled into various larger molecules that the body needs.  This assembly process can form many kinds of molecules in a human being.

What follows are the names of some common molecules in the body that are primarily made out of amino acids (but often need various vitamins and minerals to be formed as well); neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes, and digestive enzymes.

16.  The problem with persons that are seriously nutrient deficient, or persons that are chronically ingesting hidden food allergens, or persons that have high candida or other intestinal dysbiosis issues, or persons that have a seriously dysfunctional GI tract due to any reason whatsoever… is that they cannot digest and absorb protein foods well, in whatever form they may take.

17.  Although using digestive enzymes can help with breaking down protein into its constituent amino acids, often this measure is “not enough to get the job done” in regard to correcting “low functional amino acid status” in a person.

I have been heavily using powerful digestive enzymes in amounts much higher than the bottle suggests on an “on and off basis” for well over ten years. If the bottle says “take one capsule”, I often take five to seven capsules, or even more.

Digestive enzymes do help me to extract nutrient value from protein foods, and I use them as often as I can afford them.

However, if I had to compare (A) heavy and regular digestive enzyme use with (B) the use of broad based free form amino acids in regard to their ability to get me (and keep me) out of a depressive state, broad based free form amino acids clearly win hands down. This assumes that these broad based free form amino acids are used properly (with all needed nutrient co-factors), and that are taken in an adequate therapeutic amount.

Willy’s Baggies Avoid Protein Digestion Altogether

Willy’s Baggie avoids the problem of its amino acid content needing to be digested in order for it to be absorbed.  Free form amino acids are already peptides and/or di-peptides. As such, they can be readily absorbed.

Free form amino acids avoid all of the problems regarding the need to digest protein found in any food source.

Free form amino acids are already small enough in a molecular sense such that they can be readily absorbed into the body, with no digestive action whatsoever needed to do so.

Broad based free form amino acids, such as those in Willy’s Baggie, virtually ensure substantial delivery of amino acids to the body and brain, as long as you are not severely malabsorptive.  (The simple measure of using a “high dose fiber purge” to clear out one’s gut before taking a Willy’s Baggie is often enough to ensure an adequate amount of absorption.)

It is worthy to note that amino acids do not work in isolation. They need substantial vitamin and mineral support.

Taking the entire vitamin and mineral range at the same time is best when one is taking broad based free form amino acids. These vitamin and mineral cofactors are absolutely necessary for free form amino acid supplementation to do achieve adequate therapeutic effect.

A Big Part of What Mental Illness Is All About

Millions of persons with one mental illness diagnosis or another are simply pooping much, or most, of the protein (and therefore amino acid) content in the food that they eat into the toilet a day or two later.

Millions of persons, to include 100% of persons with a severe mental illness diagnosis, even if they eat plenty of protein foods on a daily basis, are seriously amino acid deficient in their body (and in their brain as well).

A “functional amino acid deficiency” and “mental illness” are synonymous.

EVERY single person with any serious mental problem(s) whatsoever has some degree of “functional amino acid deficiency”, and vice versa.  (In saying this, I do not mean to suggest that these persons are not often deficient in a wide range of vitamins and minerals as well.)

A “functional amino acid deficiency” and “a state of depression” are also synonymous.

EVERY single person with any serious degree of depression whatsoever has some degree of “functional amino acid deficiency”, and vice versa.  (In saying this, I do not mean to suggest that they are not often deficient in a wide range of vitamins and minerals as well.)

A “functional amino acid deficiency” and “a lack of digestive enzymes” are synonymous as well.

EVERY single person with any serious degree of a lack of digestive enzymes has some degree of “functional amino acid deficiency”, and vice versa. (In saying this, I do not mean to suggest that they are not also most probably deficient in a wide range of vitamins and minerals as well.)

From a decade of experience, I know for a fact that is is wise when taking any therapeutic-sized dose of broad based amino acids (such as 15 to 50 grams) that l-carnitine and phosphatidyl choline should (if not absolutely need) to be taken at the same time as well.

From a decade of experience, I also know that greens such as spirulina, chlorella, and blue green algae combine well with broad based amino acids, such that greater therapeutic results can be achieved.

From a decade of experience, I know that when broad based amino acids are taken, and while greens detoxify, an adequate amount of vitamin C is absolutely necessary to be taken at the same time as well. By adequate, I mean at least three grams, if not four or five.

And to repeat myself a bit, things I learned from a great deal of “trial and error experience”, is that when taking an adequate therapeutic dose of free form amino acids, an adequate therapeutic amount of carnitine and phosphatydl choline need to be taken at the same time, along with EVERY known vitamin and mineral as well.


I have been  “lab rat of one” since the fall of 1997.   I tried many measures to correct depressive and manic depressive symptoms in myself prior to my son Willy discovering the concept of Willy’s Baggies in 2004.

Nothing I ever did worked as well for me in regard to treating a depressive state as the answer that my son Willy forced upon me in 2004, by his insistence that I combine everything that had helped me, such that he could “take it all at once”.

I am not the only person that has responded profoundly well to Willy’s baggies… there are a number of “us” now. There probably would be far more of “us” if Big Pharma’s hackers had not made my life on the Internet very difficult, and sometimes impossible, since June 2006 (when this repeated hacking of any computer I might use to access the Internet began).

I admit that using a comprehensive nutrient formula such as All One is far less expensive that what Willy and I are doing. All of the supplements in a Willy’s Baggie does price what we are doing out of the reach of many. Unfortunately, this “many” often includes me, as I often have to go months at a time without taking a single baggie, simply because I just do not have adequate fiscal means to supplement myself.

Even if you have had success using a nutrient blend such as All One, if you ever get into a state of low energy for any reason my guess is that if you took even one of Willy’s baggies, or perhaps one of Willy’s baggies a day for two or three days in a row, you’d say “Wow, I never knew nutrients could do this much, and do it so quickly”.

I would like to close this by saying that I am nobody special, nor is my son. Willy and I just got lucky in discovering what we did. This “great discovery for all humanity” was going to be made sooner or later by one person or another. It was only a matter of time.

Allen Darman


http://my.opera.com/nutrientscure/ (This is an older backup site, one that has a before and after picture of my son Willy.)
