Is it possible that key knowledge known by Robert Erdmann over 20 years ago got lost? (7/9/2009)

Dear friends:

I often have wondered over the years if somehow it is possible that critical healing knowledge known by Robert Erdmann in his book “The Amino Revolution” somehow got lost… or if Robert Erdmann’s knowledge of how to use free form amino acids was simply missing some key components to it that were important to effective amino acid use for many.

To explain the above, Robert Erdmann and Meiron Jones copyrighted a very insightful book in 1987 called “The Amino Revolution”. In this book, they offered a number of suggestions for combining free form amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to deal with various health issues. They also suggested the use of balanced broad based free form amino acids to be used whenever individual free form amino acids were used therapeutically as well. [For purposes of simplification in the blog I wrote, I often only refer to Robert Erdmann, despite the fact that the book “The Amino Revolution” was co-copyrighted material in 1987.)

Although Robert Erdmann did not offer many dosage suggestions at all, at one point in his book, he recommended up to 15 grams of balanced broad based amino acids taken up to three times a day for men, and up to 10 grams three times a day for women. (I do not know why he saw “a difference for the sexes” here.)

When I read Robert Erdmann on amino acids, and compare his overall knowledge with an author (that I will not name) that is considered an “amino acid expert” today, I think that Erdmann wins “hands down”.

I state the above despite the fact that he missed a rather well known amino acid inhibitor named taurine for a number of things (Erdmann often listed histidine in its place).

I also state the above because I think that he missed a key to using broad based free form amino acids in adequate therapeutic dosages… and that is to increase one’s acetylcholine level at the same time. (Acetylcholine seems to act as some sort of a necessary buffer for free form amino acids in the brain. When I don’t bump up my acetylcholine level a little when taking the free form amino acid mix that I take, I can get a little bit of headache sometimes, especially when taking higher dosages of amino acids. For me, taking 15 gram or greater dosages of free form amino acids just does not work as well unless I supplement to make some acetylcholine in my brain as well.)

Regardless of Robert Erdmann missing a few things, if anyone reads his book (I cannot recommend it enough for anyone into alternative medicine), perhaps they cannot help but wonder what happened to this knowledge over the past 21 years. How come it never moved forward? And how come so few persons really know deep in their heart (from self experience) about the tremendous therapeutic power of broad based amino acids?… as my son Willy and I solidly do.

It may be worthy to note an odd coincidence here. The first book that I am aware of that regarded the use of free form amino acids to treat depression was the book “The Way Up From Down” by Priscilla Slagle, M.D. (This book is now a free ebook on This book was published in 1987… and so was Robert Erdmann’s. Free form amino acid use was solidly developing over twenty years ago, but it seems to have not matured that far… and it still is not being used nearly as much as it should.

I often wonder why balanced broad based amino acid use is not a standard part of effectively dealing with any “mental illness” involving neurotransmitter deficiency, such as depression or manic depression, and a whole host of other “mental illnesses” as well.

I wonder the above especially in light of the fact that broad based amino acid use is so obvious. Amino acids represent roughly 70% of the functional chemistry of the body once the water is taken out. And they are the primary nutrient precursors to roughly 99 out of the 100 or so known neurotransmitters. They are also the primary nutrient raw material for roughly 95% of the hormones in the body. As such, the fact that their therapeutic use in any illness involving neurotransmitter or hormone deficiency should be ALWAYS be considered should be patently obvious.

[I firmly believe that the therapeutic use of both individual and broad based free form amino acids in regard to the treatment of depression and mental illness has been systematically suppressed for decades, and it is still being suppressed today.]

Is it possible that no one has yet figured out how how to use broad based free form amino acids in a balanced enough fashion as to help many persons while rarely, if ever, causing any major problem, as I seem to have done with “Willy’s baggie” formula.

Who knows?

I do know that my own self experience with taking over 100,000 capsules of free form amino acids since 1997 has taught me healing knowledge that I still can not find in any alternative medical book.

And I know is that it has not been uncommon for the past four computers that I have been using at home to get almost 1,000 attempted intrusions a day, or well over 5,000 attempted intrusions a week, to the point of them not working at all. On this fifth computer that I have gone online at home with (the one that I am writing this blog with), despite some serious “burps” it still seems to work.

I also know one other thing… and that is that Big Pharma has to be deathly afraid of adequately balanced broad based free form amino acids being properly applied to a depressive state, especially when coupled with “a little dietary and gut knowledge” as well. Such knowledge about free form amino acids, etc., if it ever became “common knowledge”, would virtually collapse the entire class of antidepressant medications, and cost Big Pharma hundreds of billions of dollars as well.

Allen Darman

20 thoughts on “Is it possible that key knowledge known by Robert Erdmann over 20 years ago got lost? (7/9/2009)

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