Declining Stomach Acid Production As One Ages; An Obvious Case Of Medical Suppression

Dr. Sherry Rogers book “No More Heartburn” is a must read for everyone. It exposes the maltreatment of low acid production and the health problems it causes. Dr. Jonathan Wright also wrote a book a stomach acid, which I have not read yet, but I am sure is quite good, based on my respect for him as a doctor, and the 4.5 stars gave this book based on 113 customer reviews. “No More Heartburn” can be purchased on as well. Anyone that reads these two books should justifiably lose all faith in modern medicine, IMHO.

A drug like Prilosec to treat heartburn shuts off stomach acid entirely, which in turn causes all kinds of health problems down the road from a lack of mineral absorption, etc.

In fraudulently treating the symptom, one’s health problems are made worse in a sneaky way. This is the essence of what acid reflux drugs such as Prilosec are all about.

Big Pharma does not want to make people better–> it wants to make them sicker, and profit from this, while it lies about the Truth the entire time. Dr. Rogers and Dr. Wright and many other alternative doctors know this, but our Federal Government ignores everything that they are saying.

Federal Government Suppression of Multiple Truths

The average person loses close to half of their stomach acid production between 40 and 60. This is scientific fact.

I fall below average, for I have lost nearly all of my stomach acid production, something I have known since 2010 or even well before this (I was taking HCL regularly in 2002).

I took 100 650 mg. capsules of HCL with pepsin today, which represented the whole bottle.

This is the third time I have done this in the past three months with no ill effect (the other two bottles had 90 tablets of the same).

It is unheard of to take an amount such as this, to the best of my knowledge.

Yet I know I could have taken and used more.

I make almost no stomach acid it seems.

Food I eat just sits there for days, especially the hard to digest stuff such as meat.


View original post 800 more words

Without Silicon Valley Brains And Courage America And Perhaps The Entire World Is Doomed (3-28-14)

Preface dated 3-29-2014

The day the below material was written on 3-28-2014, I searched all three websites on my son Willy’s recovery for a blog I had written about a year and a half ago.  After being unable to find this blog, I wrote the material below from memory.

Today I decided to do a little research, and many of the numbers I used in the material below cannot be found, nor can the article my prior blog was based on.  

My memory on certain things is pretty good.  I did not try to falsely represent anything in the material below.  I was working from memory, that’s all.  Today I have a bit more Internet Time, and I decided to look at the statistics on ADHD a little further.  What I am finding does not jive “with what I found and read on the Internet before”.  I made corrections to reflect this.  

Despite the discrepancies mentioned, the statistics are still alarming.  

Of concern to me is the fact that from both a conceptual and practical standpoint, my son and I found the best way to correct depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder, yet our federal government ignores this, as well as ignores all of the times the American Mafia has tried to kill me to protect Big Pharma’s lies. (I could pass 1000 lie detector tests in the latter regard.  What happened to me really happened – it is a miracle I am still alive.)

Due to NSA monitoring of all Internet activity, and my openly blogging for a justifiable revolution in America since the fall of 2011, our federal government cannot claim they do not know about me and “what I represent”. 

Of even greater concern to me is that Silicon Valley has to a certain extent become aware of me as well, yet I still stand alone for these millions of children for whom “a real cure has been found”.  

ADHD in children, depression in children, autism in children, bipolar disorder in children are all correctable naturally, and it is not that hard to do in the majority of cases.  

When Willy took his first baggie of supplements in 2004, he said “From taking that first baggie, I felt great for four days afterwards”. That is how powerful nutritional AND NATURAL supplements can be, if combined properly.

Young children that are broadly essential nutrient deficient (as so many are) would all respond profoundly well to what I know, and do so on day one in the majority of cases.

I thought quite a bit about this blog and it’s many implications last night at the homeless shelter I am staying at in downtown San Francisco.

Lastly, a computer could be called “an extension of the human brain”.  What good is the extension of the human brain if the brain behind it is “too impaired in which to learn and retain information” or “too impaired such that one’s critical thinking skills are flawed”?

Allen D

Dear Fellow Americans:

Below this copy written by me is one article on the Internet related to high, and rapidly rising, ADHD rates.

It sure seems that the more one researches over the Internet the topic of rising autism, ADHD and other mental illness rates, the worse things get.

While my son Willy and I found >>>the best natural way ever discovered<<< to CURE depression, ADHD and bipolar disorder (and more) between 2004 and 2009, and the Feds know it (from monitoring me on the Internet), our Federal Government keeps mandating medications to treat nutrient deficiencies and toxic and allergic syndromes.

This FRAUD of pushing drugs ON AN UNSUSPECTING AMERICAN PUBLIC and on millions of American children when nutrients and other natural measures CAN AND DO CURE is a Cause for a Justifiable Patriot REVOLUTION IN AMERICA all on it’s own.

In a single decade between 2000 and 2010, the numbers of children diagnosed with ADHD went from a little over 6 million to over 10 million, a 42% rise.

[Important Note: I find it odd today that I can only find that 6.4 million kids are diagnosed with ADHD by a Google Search, and the 10 million number I am referring to in this blog is a number I cannot find.  I also find it odd that the blog I wrote this blog on from memory is gone from the site I had put it on.  My memory on this does not fail me.  I did read on the Internet in the fall of 2012 that over 10 million kids had ADHD, and the medication rates for such were 88%.  I was so struck by these numbers I did a WordPress blog in this regard.  This blog, and the Internet reference it was based on, cannot be found by me today 3-29-14.  Regardless of 6 million or 10 million ADHD kids, these are alarming numbers.  They translate to one in five boys.)

Of these 10 million kids, almost 90% are on medication. (Again, I can no longer find the reference this sentence was based on.)

Something like nine million American children are taking medication today for ADHD, while conventional medicine inherently claims “this is the best answer that we can find to treat these children”, and also inherently claims “these nine million children are sufficient in all essential nutrients”.

According to modern medicine in America, essential nutrient deficiency has nothing to do with these children being hyperactive at all.

The same goes for the Federal Government.  By federal law, ONLY A DRUG CAN TREAT OR CURE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING illness-wise.

Imagine you are the child taking Ritalin at 11 years old. You have probably been told “your brain does not work right”, and this pill will make things better. Can you imagine the loss of self esteem these children feel from being told their brain is broken and does not work quite right, and that they need to take a pill prescribed by a doctor in order to fix their brain so it works right?

What good can come of this fraud being perpetuated on millions of children?

It is worthy to note that Ritalin, the most prescribed medication, is a form of speed that both suppresses appetite and revs up metabolism–> therefore causing greater mineral, amino acid and other essential nutrient deficiencies.

In treating the symptoms, the underlying essential nutrient deficiency problems are made worse.

Who has the Power to Stop this Madness, and this Crime Against Humanity, especially the Young and Innocent in America?

America is the most drugged nation on earth, from both a legal drug and illegal drug standpoint.  Sadly, American children are a big target for drugs being prescribed by doctors.

Our Federal Government has the Power to Stop This Madness, but it is in bed with Big Pharma, and Big Pharma is in bed with the American Mafia.  What an unholy triumvirate this is (unless the Mafia can be convinced to Switch Sides).

The Only Power that I can think of that will stop this crime against millions of innocent children is Silicon Valley.

Alternative Medicine is too weak to be effectively heard in America.  During the push for the Affordable Care Act, despite all I saw on TV, I do not remember alternative medicine being spoken of AT ALL. Not once.

GMO’s are known to either cause or contribute to mineral deficiencies, gut biology problems, and food allergy problems–> and all three of these issues are causative of ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

GMO use has exploded in America in the past two decades.  ADHD rates and mental illness rates will, and must, rise as a result of GMO’s further contaminating America’s food supply.

Yet the Federal Government does not even mandate that GMO foods be labeled, and staunchly resists such.

The burden on society of so many learning disabled and mentally ill children is going to overwhelm America.

Nothing will change, unless there is a Silicon Valley supported Justifiable Revolution in America such that Alternative Medicine “becomes unchained”.

Our Federal Government watched repeatedly while the American Mafia tried to kill me in 2010, 2011, 2012 (and perhaps 2013) for finding the proper manner to cure ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Schizophrenia and did absolutely nothing to help me.

Even more puzzling to me is I know that Silicon Valley became Aware of Me to some extent, yet it appears that no one will offer me safe haven due to fear of the Mafia, I suppose. (I sure wish people here would realize that the Mafia kills in secret.  They cannot do anything to us if “we get together, watch each other’s back, and wisely use the Power of the Internet”.)

Who is going to speak for these ten million children diagnosed with ADHD when the bad guys finally get to me due to my fellow human beings abandoning me?

Can’t something be done to stop this madness of leaving so many American children compromised at a rate that is growing alarmingly?

Modern medicine based on fraudulent science and bad food based on fraudulent science will destroy America.

The health of a nation depends on the health of its People.  This should be patently obvious.

FDR once said, the health of American People depends on the health of American Soil, or something similar to this.  The Roundup pesticide used to grow GMO foods damages soil health by damaging soil biology. All of this is known by science, but our Federal Government ignores these scientific facts, and will continue to do so to benefit “its Corporate Donors” (our political system is broken).

The big question in my mind is Why? does our Federal Government act Against the Health of the American Public, and the Health of American children? when it should be obvious that this means the Demise of the America sooner or later.

Don’t the Smart People in Silicon Valley smell some sort of conspiracy here?  

There is no Future For America unless Silicon Valley jointly and courageously steps up to the plate, accepts its role in history, and fights back IN FORCE with the Truth to Uncover Federal Government Suppression of Truth on Multiple Fronts.

IMHO, Google is the Leader in Silicon Valley. It is upon their corporate decisions at the highest levels that America’s Future Rests.

However, the Rest of Silicon Valley should not leave Google hanging on their own–>

The Rest of Silicon Valley should jointly support this Great Company to help bring Truth to BOTH American Food and American Medical Practice, or–>

God Help Us All. 

Without Silicon Valley Brains and Courage Soon–>

And Without the American Mafia relenting, and realizing that the Smart Folks in Silicon Valley are very likely to be willing to negotiate a Win-Win deal to try to save this country from the dead end course it is on, then–>

America, and perhaps the Entire World–>

Is Doomed–>

And so am I.

Allen Darman


Psychiatric insanity: Over 20% of young boys labeled ‘ADHD’


  The percentage of U.S. children between the ages of 4 and 17 years who have been labeled with the diagnosis rose to a mind-boggling 42 percent between 2003 and 2011. Nearly 1 in 5 high school boys and 1 in 11 high school girls had been diagnosed with ADHD

NaturalNews – December 5, 2013
by J. D. Heyes

It’s no secret that, increasingly, Big Pharma, in cahoots with traditional medicinal practitioners, have created a society of near-zombies with all of the mood altering medications they push on the public. But even these figures are shocking.

According to recently published information from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an astounding 20-plus percent of all 14-year-old boys in the United States have been diagnosed, at one time or another over the course of their lives, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – a condition that is, of course, treated with dangerous medications.

As reported by

The study also said more than 20 percent of 11-year-old boys had been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives.

The study indicated that American boys were 125 percent more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD, and that boys were 127 percent more likely than girls to be medicated for it.

13.3 percent of American 11-year-old boys are being medicated for ADHD, said the study.

That’s incredible; one in five American teenaged boys have been “diagnosed” with this “disorder.”

‘It highlights the consistent increases in ADHD diagnoses since 2003′

But it gets worse; according to the CDC’s study, the percentage of U.S. children between the ages of 4 and 17 years who have been labeled with the diagnosis rose to a mind-boggling 42 percent between 2003 and 2011.

In addition, the study found that kids in public health programs like Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) were 53 percent more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than children with private health insurance. So not only are too many kids being diagnosed with this “disorder,” but you’re paying for it.

“The parent-reported prevalence of a history of an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis by a health care provider among U.S. school-aged children increased from 7.8 percent in 2003 to 11 percent in 2011, an increase of 42 percent in less than a decade,” said the study, which was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

“This study is really based on the parent-reported survey data and it extends what we know about the increasing prevalence of health-care-provider diagnosed ADHD,” Susanna Visser, of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, said in a CDC podcast.

“It highlights the consistent increases in ADHD diagnoses since 2003,” said Visser, who was one of the authors of the study. “Now we also document that there’s been significant increases in the percentage of kids 4-17 years of age who are taking medication for ADHD since 2007.”

The ADHD diagnosis is not evenly distributed among the nation’s children, the study also found.

“Ever-diagnosed ADHD was more common among children with health care coverage than those without coverage, and among those with public coverage than with private coverage,” it said. “Nearly 1 in 5 high school boys and 1 in 11 high school girls had been diagnosed with ADHD.”

Continuing, the researchers said, “Estimates of medicated ADHD increased in 2011, as compared to 2007, particularly among teen boys. In 2011, the highest medicated ADHD prevalence was among 11-year-old boys (13.3 percent).”

Learn more:



My Free Form Amino Acid Source of Record is JoMarLabs in Campbell, California, not far from Mountain View.

This is the Only Supplier in the United States where one can buy the affordable amino acid blends that I used extensively for years.

JoMar is considered an amino acid wholesaler, but they sell to the public as well.

I have visited JoMar Labs three or four times over the years.  In speaking to their employees, I was told that they buy free form amino acids in barrels from Japan, and then they encapsulate it and sell it here.

Years ago their amino acid blends did not contain any magnesium stearate, and was something like 99.7% pure.

I was disappointed to see magnesium stearate added to the free form amino acid blends that I regularly used, but there was nothing I could do about this, unless I ordered a custom blend (to my specifications) from JoMar.  This latter I never bothered to do, as from memory it would have cost me more and there was a minimum quantity required that was fiscally troublesome for me.  I simply accepted the magnesium stearate being added to the blends that I ordered, because their was not much I could do about it. Magnesium stearate helps with the encapsulation process, it is not being used as a preservative, to the best of my knowledge.

Free form amino acids are quite stable, and can take substantial heat.  If I left my amino acid supply in the car for a long time on a sunny summer day with the windows closed, it was fine (unlike vitamin B-complex and vitamin C, which were damaged by the high heat).  Frigid winter temperatures did not matter either. I never had a problem with amino acids going bad due to chemical degradation, as best as I could tell.

  • Books Etc.

    [The book shown above is Robert Erdmann’s “The Amino Revolution” copyrighted in 1987. I deeply appreciate what Robert Erdmann, PhD. taught me. This book helped me a lot, despite the fact it did not list dosages, and the facts that (1) Robert Erdmann missed taurine as a key inhibitory amino acid, and (2) his understanding of how to use broad spectrum amino acids is flawed (Willy’s Baggie is better than what Robert Erdmann knew). Despite these flaws, Robert Erdmann was considered an expert in amino acid supplementation worldwide in his time. Sweden granted him some sort of award for “what he did, and what he knew”. For Robert Erdmann, histidine was the amino acid he often relied on for inhibition. Finally I tried histidine, and Yes! it does help. My three best inhibitors free form amino acid wise are tryptophan, taurine and histidine. These three in combination are as powerful as a benzodiazapine medication such as klonopin for me. Due to fiscal shortfall, I no longer use histidine, but I often have and use tryptophan and taurine on an “as needed basis”. These two in 3,500 mg. each amounts were enough to get me to sleep after working 150 hours for the first week of February.  I knew with a 100% degree of certainty that they would be enough to make me sleep before I pushed myself this hard.   This 3,500 MG. EA. dosage is unusually high – I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT FOR OTHERS AND YOU COULD GET A HECK OF A HEADACHE FROM TOO MUCH TAURINE, as well as feel groggy and out of it from too much tryptophan taken at once.  (NORMAL DOSAGES ARE IN THE 1,000 MG. TO 1,500 MG. EACH RANGE.)  I can only dose myself so high safely without negative side effects because I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING FOR MY BODY, MY BRAIN, AND ME.  I have witnessed inhibitory amino acids working well for other people IN REGARD TO GREATLY HELPING WITH SLEEP PROBLEMS. SLEEP MEDICATION IS ANOTHER HOAX; it is another fraud being perpetuated on the American Public for the sake of the money. It is worthy to note that tryptophan is excitatory for some people, and inhibitory for others. Tryptophan is the amino acid precursor of serotonin. Taking tryptophan with B-Complex and C increases one’s serotonin level, something I learned from Dr. Priscilla Slagle in her book “The Way Up From Down”, and experienced thousands of times from supplementing with it personally. How SSRI antidepressants are even on the market when the amino acid tryptophan and a few vitamins so readily increases serotonin in a person is a testament to the Power of the Drug Oriented Medical System and U.S. Government Policies (laws) here in the United States. It is also worthy to note here that a San Francisco Bay Area (Mill Valley) medical practitioner named Julia Ross is extremely likely to have plagiarized my initial inhibitory amino acid combination of Tryptophan, Taurine, GABA and Glycine. I emailed her something like a 30 page Word document in February 1998 documenting all that I was doing amino acid wise, shortly after I attended a week long seminar in San Rafael, California in January 1998. Her book “The Mood Cure” suggesting the same amino acid cocktail I was using was published in 2002. IMHO, Julia Ross became “the expert in Amino Acid Use” in Alternative Medicine for a while, based on my amino acid advice. However, she still got stuck in regard to excitatory amino acid use, and continued to recommend a obsolete tyrosine and phenylalanine combination that Dr. Priscilla Slagle had recommended way back in 1987. As a result of self-experimentation and a lot of trial and error, I surpassed everyone mentioned here in regard to the therapeutic use of free form amino acids 14 years ago for both inhibitory or excitatory use, even before Willy’s Baggie was born. Lastly, it sure smacks of Suppression to me when I ordered every book I could get my hands on on this topic of free form amino acids in 1998, and the library I created was only about 8″ wide, despite the fact “we humans are made out of this stuff more than anything else”. It could justifiably be stated that “human beings are amino acid chemical machines”. This is the last thing in the world that Big Pharma and the U.S. Government want people to know about, for both would fall to free form amino acid truths if they became commonly known. I am having multiple and very unusual computer problems today as I worked on this blog. To me, this is no surprise. Free Form Amino Acid knowledge is “a huge great to the eugenics folks, the U.S. Government, and Big Pharma too”. Robert Erdmann died in a hospital in 2002, and Bob Beck died the same year from a fall (supposedly). It would not surprise me if both of these gentleman were secretively killed. My longevity here is “a dice game”. I take things day by day, and live without fear, for I know my death will be meaningful, should it occur.]

    Proudly selling free form, USP grade amino acid supplements since 1979! Be sure to check out our new Allergy and Sinus Formula Blend along with our other formulas on the FORMULAS tab above.
    We not only guarantee the quality of our products, we also guarantee your satisfaction.

Free form amino acids (FFAA’s) and “amino acids” as listed on most labels one would typically see, are two different animals altogether.

All of my discoveries used free form amino acids.

None of them used amino acids that were not Free Form.

As I type these words with partially impaired fingers, I think about what free form amino acids, carnitine, and other supplements could do for me.

[It is worthy to note here that in September 1997, when I first started to use a wide range of nutritional supplements, probiotics, etc. I used to often spontaneously want to wiggle my fingers while laying in bed.  My finger function had been somewhat impaired for years due to deficiency, an impairment that is getting progressively worse at present. In 1997, I could not shuffle a deck of cards my whole life.  People used to make fun of me at the poker table when it was my turn to deal, for I would just mash the cards together.  Suddenly I could shuffle a deck of cards in September 1997, as a result of treating essential nutrient deficiency in myself.  My fingers used to dance over the keyboard much better than they do now.  All of my current finger impairment is “easily recoverable function”, if the nutrient deficiencies in my fingers and finger joints was finally properly addressed.  I know how to do this, but I have a “means problem” that has dogged me for years.]

FFAA’s could, with other things in combination, completely heal my fingers in a matter of weeks, with great relief being felt within a matter of days.

FFAA’s, with carnitine, phosphatidyl choline, and a good multivitamin (or even  just B Complex and Vitamin C) could change my brain function and performance profoundly within the same day, relief that is felt within hours, or even in the first hour, depending.

FFAA’s, along with other common sense things, can quite literally turn back the hands of time.

You can feel, act, and function as if you were much younger, if you know how to address nutrient deficiency, excess toxic and allergic load, malabsorption and “bad biology” in yourself.

FFAA’s, taken along with needed vitamin and mineral cofactors, are “rocket fuel for the brain”.  I have used this phrase hundreds of times over the years because it seemed to best describe what one feels from taking such.  You can think better, faster and longer as a result of FFAA supplementation, because you are giving your brain the raw material it needs to readily build neurotransmitters. Dr. Priscilla Slagle, a conventional psychiatrist that went alternative decades ago, and a pioneer in the field, calls this “precursor loading” in her landmark book “The Way Up From Down” published in 1987.

All of what I am writing about here can all be readily learned, and readily taught, via YouTube.

I told alternative medical practitioners the above repeatedly a decade ago.

The problem here is that what I know disenfranchises alternative medical practitioners as well. If healing knowledge can be found for free on YouTube, why go see an alternative doctor and pay them for knowledge that one can learn for free via the Power of the Internet?

My first personal computer was a Radio Shack computer with 16K RAM that I purchased in 1982, and upgraded to 48K RAM (it’s maximum RAM) on the kitchen table at home by plugging in two chips. I knew computers were going to change the world a long time ago. Now, I am not so certain, due to concerns over what our Federal Government is doing, and what it wants to do in the future.  If Silicon Valley does not recognize this threat of Coming Government Internet Censorship and do something about it, the Power of Personal Computers may never reach its true potential.

I knew, and fully understood, the Power and Potential of Personal Computers in 1987, when I designed a number of accounting templates on Lotus 123 in which to run the accounting end of the manufacturing business I owned at that time.  (An Excel Version of the Cash Disbursements Ledger that I designed in 1987 is still in regular use by Darman Mfg. Company today.)

Although admirable in its intent, eight Silicon Valley companies jointly taking out a full page ad in the New York Times addressed to the politicians in Washington D.C. (as happened on DEC 9/13) is not going to solve the problem.

I have no doubt that the Federal Government will continue to monitor all of the Internet and Telephone traffic that it possibly can, and will do so until it falls to a Justifiable Revolution.

I would like to venture the guess that Silicon Valley Companies and employees are a Special Target of Government Surveillance, because of the fact that Silicon Valley and the Internet are the two biggest threats to our current Federal Government remaining in power.

The Slow but Steady Growth of Truth on the Internet, and the Slow But Steady Growth of the Patriot Movement in America are a far bigger threat to our current federal government than anything else. This means “they will continue to listen to you folks in Silicon Valley”.  As stupid as our Federal Government is about a lot of things, they are not stupid enough to “not be listening to you” if you work in Silicon Valley in any capacity related to the Internet.

Appealing to the morality of politicians is pointless. Politicians are working for their own self interest. Moral Right means nothing to these folks. Not one politician talks about 9/11 TRUTH. That should tell you something, if not a lot of things.

America is Lost if our current system remains in place.  There is too much money in politics.  If you get elected as a Senator or Congress Person, you become entrapped by the need to seek reelection money from corporate and special interest donors. This leads to legislative favor towards those paying for your reelection. The welfare of the people does not count any more. It’s the welfare of those giving away money in Washington via 17,000 lobbyists that counts today.

I certainly hope that an iROCK4iFREEDOM event is being planned now, and will happen this summer.  I also hope that this event does not just deal with Internet Freedom, but deals with the Suppression of Truth by the U.S. Government in a broader sense as well.

These issues of Internet Freedom and the Suppression of Truth by the U.S. Government are interrelated. To only deal with one of them such as Internet Freedom is really missing the boat, and will most likely achieve limited to no results.

To understand the true nature of the Federal Government in America, one only has to look at the Suppression of Truth in Three Key Areas–> Energy Invention Suppression, the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, and the Suppression of 9/11 Truth.

In regard to the Suppression of Alternative Medicine, I can Prove What I Know, if given the means to do so.

So little could do so much.

A sum of money as little as $5 spend wisely on nutritional supplementation that I suggest could improve the health and performance of every single employee at Google, or every single employee anywhere in America.

Admittedly, $10 or $12 would be even better, but even $5 a day could do a lot.

Willy’s Original Baggie cost about $12. ea. years ago, a price that I do not think has changed much, and even one taken every other day as Willy often took them greatly helps. This simple discovery that copied the wisdom of pioneer nutritionist Adelle Davis toppled drug oriented medicine in much of what it treats–> so much so I would hate to be a major stockholder in a drug company if the Truth ever became known. Nutrients cure.  Drugs don’t.  No toxic molecule can truly beget human health, and all drugs are toxic, every single one.

The performance gains at work would easily offset the cost of well designed nutritional supplementation, especially amongst Google’s (or another company’s) Executives, but also amongst almost every single employee at Google over 40 as well (if not every single employee period).

If I go beyond just nutritional supplementation and apply the entire range of alternative medical common sense to myself, I can feel and function like I was in my 30′s within a week (or perhaps two).  This assumes I had access to the supplement, nutritional, and natural measures to do so. and a place in which to apply such.  One notable exception to what I am representing here is–>

My lungs would still be impaired from all the cigarettes that I smoked in my life.

Regardless of my lungs, I would still feel like a much younger man. and amazingly so, if I had the means and the place to apply alternative medicine to myself.

What I am doing to myself is Profoundly Anti-Aging.

In Principle, what I am doing to myself to gain, retain or recovery health and function is Applicable to the Entire Human Race.

When I become chemically optimal using “what I know”, and have known for well over a decade, I reach a natural high that is better than getting high smoking weed.  It is a really special place to be “a  (bio)chemical 10″ on a scale of 1 to 10.  I am more at peace and have more inner happiness than the Dalai Lama has when I am chemically well. Or “we are equals” in these regards.

I would love to teach the above to Google, WordPress, Silicon Valley and the World.

I pray that someday I am wisely granted the means to adequately “YouTube teach” what I know to be True About Depression, Health and Health Recovery to America and to the World.

God Forbid My Discovery Knowledge is lost.

What a Shame this would be.

The significance of what I know is much bigger than “the water powered car”, or even the Invention of the Internet and Computers, for it relates directly to Human and Planetary Health.

As one example of what I know about how to properly treat a state of severe depression in a hospital setting (or even from home), the first steps in treating a severely depressed state should ALWAYS BE to (1) remove GI Tract contents as much as is practical or possible “from both ends” by (1a) a Colonic or a Series of Colonics, and (1b) Bentonite and Psyllium shakes, and (2) the Oral Administration  of High Dosage Free Form Amino Acids (50 to 100 grams or so, depending), along with a wide range of needed co-factors, as specified in other material that I have written over the years. Step number three would always be “whatever it takes to fix one’s gut biology”. (See Dr. Sherry Rogers Book “No More Heartburn” and her 8R program of gut correction for a decent outline.) Step number four would be to go on a cave man elimination diet to deal with the probable problem of hidden food allergies.  These four steps are universal to the proper treatment of a state of severe, chronic and/or longstanding depression.

In the great majority of people, a state of severe depression with suicidal ideation attached is “excessive toxic gut contents causing a serious degree of malabsorption and burdening the body with a high toxic load” combined with “a functional amino acid deficiency state” more than it is ANYTHING ELSE. (I knew this stuff 14 years ago.  Nothing has changed.  My knowledge has only solidified over time as I learned more.)

It’s quite an interesting experience watching your body heal, as the result of taking a wide range of nutritional supplements, drinking raw vegetable juice and non-allergic green shakes, changing your gut biology, and eliminating hidden allergic foods.

FFAA’s are the majority of what all of your neurotransmitters, hormones, and enzymes are made out of.

Dried out (all the water taken out), an average human being is 70% amino acids, 20% fats, and 5% minerals.  That’s 95% of what you are chemically.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to heal from any deficiency syndrome, but they are the minority of the equation.

FFAA’s are the bulk of the equation. (From my personally taking over 150,000 capsules of individual and blended free form amino acids personally since September 1997, I know what I am talking about.)

In regard to neurotransmitters, science admits it has identified roughly 100 of them.  By identified, they must mean that they know the molecule structure of such.

All of this molecular biological science is being suppressed.  Try to find the molecular diagrams of these 100 known neurotransmitters and their names.  (Good luck.)

At least the molecular science underlying serotonin and dopamine is not suppressed.  From this we can conclude that most neurotransmitters are made primarily out of amino acids, and that a mineral molecule or a vitamin molecule may be needed in their production. (Electron microscopes can see this stuff.)

The notable exception to the above is a major neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine is made from choline, which is typically grouped with the B vitamin family.

From a great deal of experience, I know for a fact that l-carnitine is somehow involved in acetylcholine production, for when lacking it, phosphatidyl choline supplementation does me no good.

L-Carnitine itself needs something like eight essential nutrients in order to be formed in the body.  (The specifics of this is known by science – I saw the list in a book once.)

A lack of any one of these eight essential nutrients means a lack of l-carnitine production inside of the body.

L-Carnitine does more than simply transport fats across the cell membrane, which is one function commonly associated with it.

An adequate supply of Carnitine is essential to optimal mental health.

Without it, my brain can race (hypomania).

With carnitine and enough phoshatidyl choline, I can “practically dial my brain speed (my spontaneous rate of neuronal firing) to anywhere I want” given a little time.

People that talk loud and fast are carnitine deficient (this I know for a fact), and perhaps choline deficient too.

If you are so deficient, strongly suspect broad based (broad spectrum) deficiency and a serious degree of malabsorption are present.

It’s really a no brainer to figure this stuff out.

It’s so simple, its scary what modern medicine is doing, and continues to do.

There is Absolutely a Big Conspiracy to hide the truth about essential nutrients from all Americans, if not all People the World Over.

Essential nutrient deficiencies are rampant in America, and they are only getting worse, thanks to chlorinated water, GMO foods, food additives, processed foods, and kids getting slammed with repeated rounds of antibiotics for ear infections, etc. when they are young.

It is in Big Pharma’s best interest to make us all a little or a lot sick, as much as they can get away with and not get caught.

Like Joan Matthews Larson told me after I told her face to face in the summer of 2007 when I snuck out to Minneapolis to see her without an appointment and told her how hacked I was getting–>

“Your being hacked is serious, and I would not take it lightly. The roots of pharmaceutical medicine are all in Nazi Germany. Be very careful. If I was you I would go out west, where alternative medicine has progressed more than it has here. Maybe there you can get some help.”

Incidentally, when I went out to see Joan Matthews Larson in the summer of 2007 she freely gave me an hour and a half of her time.  That was not enough.  After we were done, we spent another hour and a half talking with her son too, whom she said “had to hear what I had just told her”.  Three hours time on an unannounced walk in visit, due to Joan knowing me from my written work on the Internet.  I left Minneapolis in fear that night, because my laptop got slammed by hackers in the library there, and I knew my life was at great risk.  (This visit occurred two and a half years before the first hit attempt on me. I have been under the gun for some time.  The odds of Silicon Valley hearing what I have to say today are less than one in one thousand, if not far worse than that. You should perhaps wisely take advantage of my stubbornness, my survival and my luck.)

The vitamins, minerals and FFAA supplements I am writing about here are the ones the FDA tried to label “as all being drugs” in early 2007.

In 2007 the FDA tried to label EVERY single nutritional and natural supplement a drug, due to my proving what supplements could do with my son Willy in June 2006. (It is no accident that this is when my chronic difficulties with hackers began.)  In 2007, the FDA also tried to label even carrot juice (or other juices) a drug, if they were used therapeutically, because juicing can do so much.

The FDA also proposed to take away “by over-regulation” every nutritional supplement that came on the market after October 1994. This occurred in July 2011.

Both of these attempts by the FDA to restrict the general public’s access to nutritional and natural supplements are a matter of public record.

The two FDA Guidance Documents written in 2007 and 2011 trying to take supplements out of the general public’s hands hang our Federal Government, if the Truth Of the Matter was ever widely known.

Our Federal Government has to go. There is No Fixing It.  It is Irreparably Broken, and will result in the Fall of America if it is not stopped soon.

Some say America is Doomed to Fall anyway.

I do not like such negative pessimistic thinking for it paralyzes any massive citizen action or massive Silicon Valley action in which to correct the problem.

It’s fight back Smartly and Courageously (such as I hope iROCK4iFREEDOM Represents) or Passively Put Our Heads in the Sand and Wait to Suffer and/or Die for Most Or All of Us.

The FEMA camp stuff and all the rest of what the Feds have been doing internally (NSA Surveillance of 100% of Americans 100% of the time, drones, bullets, lots of gear, SWAT vehicles, etc.) strongly suggests it is going to be the Holocaust all over again, only this time it won’t be Jews targeted, it will often be “the best and brightest in America who are Aware Of Too Much”.

American Freedom, the American Economy and the Value of the Dollar  are all under attack.

Sure many here in Silicon Valley are making lots of money and leading very comfortable lives.

For how long do you think this party of things being the way they are (more or less) is going to last?

Do you think your money is going to make you immune to what is coming?

If so, I’d think again, because you came to the wrong conclusion the first time out.

Even if the millionaires and billionaires escape America before Martial Law is Declared, what about all of the Silicon Valley employees who did not.

The Internet is a Big Threat to those bringing down America, and from the standpoint of simple logic, anyone associated with the Internet and the Spreading of Truth is going to be a big target. (An EMP attack over Silicon Valley is not Out of the Question. Believe me. We are RIGHT NOW IN A WAR for the Truth on a Number of Key Topics to Be Heard. If we lose this War, the Truth about many things will likely be buried for centuries, assuming the human race survives that long without nuclear war destroying us all.)

My past problems with the Mafia are extremely small potatoes compared to what I am trying to tell you people.

I’d be quite surprised if we make it until the election in 2016 without things in America falling apart.

Even if we make it this far, there is no way in hell the value of the dollar is going to hold up until 2020.

And when the dollar falls, Martial Law and Federal Control of the Internet are a given.

When the above happens, Freedom in America will be perhaps permanently dead.

Without the Internet to communicate with, dissenters and activists like me and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of others, will be slaughtered at will.

This is Not a Game.

It is “As Real Life as Real Life gets”.

You people in Silicon Valley are Smart.

Figure it out, if you have not done so already.

If key decision makers at Google or in Silicon Valley ever learned in a personal sense (by taking such) what I know to be true about FFAA’s, and the therapeutic use of nutritional supplements in general, THEY WOULD Absolutely GO TO WAR with our Federal Government.

They would go to war due to Obvious and Documentable Federal Government Suppression of the therapeutic power and therapeutic usefulness of FFAA’s and other natural curative measures in order to achieve, maintain or recover human health.

Another thought that may be of use here is that “the world’s food supply could easily double, if what I know was developed in any meaningful sense”.

Unfortunately, the big question in regard to FFAA’s is “Was my single source for such named Jomar Laboratories leaned on by the Mafia, such that one cannot get what I used to get FFAA-wise”, or are certain orders are intentionally mis-formulated to not work like they should.

I used to order Jomar’s Pure Form 20 (now 21) Blend and WAC blend in capsules by the kilogram.

Two kilograms (1 of each) of free form amino acids years ago costs me about $270.

It’s been so long, I forget.

It was definitely under $300.

If I could get my hands on two kilograms of this stuff, along with some other necessary supplements for it to work, Oh My God what I could do with it on a rather immediate basis in regard to “helping my ability to think and function”, and in regard to “helping my own physical and mental health”.

I’d be taking 50 grams of FFAA’s a day right off the bat, which equates to 100 capsules.

For some persons 50 grams is too much.  For me, it is not. (Only the person taking FFAA’s can determine their own proper dosage. No doctor in the world can do this for you.  Experienced people like myself could guide someone and save them a ton of time learning curve-wise.  This knowledge “all needs to be put on video”, the sooner the better.  What a gift to the world it would be.  FFAA’s, when used properly, offer more hope to save this planet and ourselves from self destruction than anything I can think of, they mean “that much”.

FFAA’s applied to depression or even “just generally applied to normal people” could easily generate “a molecular awareness” in humanity that is critical to saving this planet from the molecular destruction we are heaping upon it now.

Willy’s Baggie, the one we used the most by far, contained less than 14 grams of Free Form Amino acids.

For comparison–> Two eggs contains about 14 grams of protein.  Protein is 100% amino acids.

 However, in protein the amino acid molecules are combined with each other by the hundreds or by the thousands.

Unless these molecular bonds are broken by enzymatic action, the amino acid molecules in protein are not absorbed into the body because—> i

In being linked together “they are far too large” to be absorbed.

Even if amino acids linked together were absorbed, they would be useless to the body if still combined in large molecules.

Your digestive system is supposed to disassemble protein molecules into peptides or di-peptides, which are one molecule and two molecule groups.

These peptides and di-peptides are then transported to and assembled into “what you need” inside your body and brain.

Protein digestion and assimilation are often impaired.

The same goes for minerals too.

The above two sentences are WHERE EVERY MENTAL HEALTH and DEGENERATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH DOLLAR IN AMERICA SHOULD GO, ALONG WITH A THOROUGH STUDY OF “DIGESTIVE EFFICIENCY” AND EVERYTHING RELATED TO SUCH (Hidden Food Allergies, Poor Gut Flora, a Lack of Digestive Enzymes, a Lack of the Essential Nutrients that Build Such, Leaky Gut, etc.).

UNFORTUNATELY, research dollars will never be spent on such, for in America by Law “Only a Drug Can Diagnose, Prevent, Treat, or Cure Any and All Disease”.

This Single Silly, Illogical And Criminal Law of “Only a Drug Can Cure” DOOMS AMERICAN HEALTH AND WEALTH, and perhaps MEANS THE END of the World (may lead to nuclear war someday), IF IT REMAINS IN PLACE.

We have a Absolute and God Given Human Right to Accurate Truths about how our body works, what it needs to function properly, and how to correct our own health when it is impaired.

Much of What is being stated in the above involves Universal Truths that should be taught in high school to the entire human race.

All of this basic health knowledge that we have a human right to is currently being Federal Government, Big Pharma and Mafia Suppressed.

[It is worthy to note that the American Mafia may “Switch Sides”.  As long as it does not cost them any money, or makes them more than they are making now, the American Mafia is Open to A Better Answer than what we are doing at present Healthcare-wise and Otherwise in America.  If Silicon Valley Always Keeps This In Mind, things should work out.  I do not blame the American Mafia at all for Big Pharma’s and Our Federal Government’s Myriad of Lies Regarding Healthcare.  They are simply the paid enforcer of such.]

WAC Blend from Jomar does increase blood pressure, and perhaps can be problematic for some people that have high blood pressure. (Incidentally, high blood pressure is resolvable naturally.  See Dr. Sherry Roger’s book “The High Blood Pressure Hoax” at

Research could easily come up with a better blend of free form amino acids than I am using, and do so in short order.  (I would love to be a part of this.)

Carnitine and phosphatidyl choline are an absolute must at the FFAA dosages mentioned above, or you will likely get a headache.

Acetylcholine acts as a necessary buffer for free form amino acids in the brain.

L-Carnitine (or acetyl l-carnitine) and phosphatidyl choline supplementation, in addition to other things, noticeably and definitely increases the acetylcholine level in the brain.  In doing so, it avoids any headache one might get from free form amino acid supplementation.  (This same combination of nutrients often readily revolves a headache from other causes as well.  PC alone is often enough.  I consider PC to be better than aspirin for most.)

I used to take 500 to 1000 mg. of carnitine, and three phosphatidyl choline capsules containing about 420 mg. of actual phosphatidyl choline.  (I took three capsules of PC because my own brain told me 1 or 2 was not enough.)

Unfortunately, I cannot order anything from Jomar Laboratories, due to an unpaid bill that went to collection years ago.

I used to be “on open account” on a net 10 or 30 basis.

For years Jomar put up with me being really late in paying, but would ship when I finally paid my old bill.

When the Mafia first tried to kill me in January 2010, I talked them into shipping me a two kilogram order, even though I owed them for two kilograms already.

Then I ended up in my first bunker apartment in Kennedy Plaza, and there was no way I could pay the bill.

So I was sent to collection for about $700 or $800.

What really concerned me was a remark on the phone by a Jomar employee, the one in charge there at the time. (I know the name, but I am not going to write it here.)

She said, “Even if you pay your bill, we don’t know if we are going to sell to you anymore”.

Jomar had no sales budget for years.  They sold by word of mouth.

I had been “an unpaid promoter on the Internet of Jomar’s products for years”.

I did not expect payment for this, nor did I want it.

By choice, I did have any commercial agenda contaminate what I was trying to tell the world.

However, when Jomar told me they might not sell to me, and tell me this in an ominous tone that suggested I could not longer get what I needed from them, I lost all motivation to pay them what I owed them.

I needed what I got from SSD to simply survive.

My last order with Jomar was in February 2010 or so, soon after my first hit attempt.

[My second hit attempt, one that was multiple in nature, occurred beginning in late May 2010, after I wrote a blog titled “A Tribute To Bob Beck; A World Class Healer (5-21-2010).  After this, there was no way I was paying out any money to anyone if it did not do me “any survival good”.]

I was luckily gifted most of a kilogram of each blend by a person in Texas in October of 2010.

It was upon this Free Form Amino Acid and other supplement gift that “Cambridge Who’s Who and a Synopsis of My Situation” and “The Story of Darman Mfg. Company and Genius” were written back to back on October 12th and 13th of 2010.

It was upon this FFAA, etc. gift that I wrote for as much as I could, as fast as I could, to tell the world all that I knew about natural cures for the balance of October and the first part of November 2010, until I left for Texas and then AZ. where the Mafia tried determinedly to kill me again in April 2011.

It has been about three and a half years since I have had any access whatsoever to Jomar Laboratories blended amino acid product line.

Other things being more or less equal, no human being on this earth not taking broad based (broad spectrum) FFAA’s  and other synergistic supplements can Compete Mentally Or Physically with someone who is taking such, and knows what they are doing.

Not a single one.

It would be impossible.

The brain and body runs on this stuff, and on fats and sugars too.

I use fats and sugars to fuel brain performance now, because I cannot get free form amino acids.

It was the use of fats, a stomach acid supplements that I  sorely needed, and a good multivitamin that allowed me to do what I did in February 2014 with WordPress.

FFAA’s are AWESOME in their healing potential, both mentally an physically.

Big Pharma, drug oriented medicine as a whole, and our Federal Government, which fully supports by mandate and by law the fraud of drug oriented medicine, has to be deathly afraid of the true therapeutic power of Free Form Amino Acids and other natural measures being discovered by the masses.

Many people can achieve profound relief from depression within a hour or two.

You cannot have any real idea what free form amino acids can do, UNLESS YOU HAVE PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED SUCH.

Have you ever felt burnt out at the end of the week from all of the mental work that you did that week?


I can actually read such a temporary deficiency “in a person’s aura and in their face”.  Deficiency such as this “shows” in other persons, just like it does it me.

Digestive enzyme supplementation (even high dosage supplementation) at mealtimes can be very helpful in regard to treating a temporary state of deficiency, but it cannot compete with FFAA’s in a therapeutic sense.

They (almost certainly the Mafia ON BEHALF OF BIG PHARMA) made Eric Braverman, M.D. UN-WRITE HIS BOOK  ”The Healing Nutrients Within” about amino acids until it contained “nothing of value”.

A thick book chock full of useful and insightful information on Free Form Amino Acids turned into “a much smaller book that is a piece of garbage”.  That is how much of a threat free form amino acids are to drug oriented medicine.

I told Joan Matthews Larson (who considered the leader of the treatment of alcoholism in alternative medicine) back in the summer of 2007, “if the antidepressant class of medicines falls to the TRUTH, the whole house of cards of drug oriented medicine will topple soon thereafter”.  She immediately agreed because she knows “I know what I am talking about”, and “she knows, or has a very solid sense, of what nutritional supplements can do”. (Joan offered me a consulting job numerous times in the summer of 2004, but I could not leave taking care of my mother, who had just lost her ability to walk, and died about nine months later.  Later Joan offered me a full time job, but I was being heavily hacked no matter what computer I used and on the run at this point, and I thought it wise to decline.)

To the wise folks here in San Francisco and Silicon Valley–>

Give me some safety, and some FFAA’s from Jomar, and the rest of what I need to “cure myself” and “turn back the hands of time” for myself.

Then Watch What Happens, and Film Me.

If you see this, you will know the Truth.

I Can Prove TO THE WORLD What I Know, if given the means to do so.  (I have said this so many times over the years, it’s not funny.)

If Jomar’s stuff is formulated to not work, I will know.

If Jomar’s stuff is contaminated with something bad whose affect may be unnoticeable but is cumulative and harmful to my health, I am certainly willing to take that chance.

This story about Jomar Labs is one of a number of reasons it is wisest to become Partners with the Mafia, rather than fight them.

If you go up against the America Mafia, there are too many ways they can beat you.

The Mafia can make so many people do whatever they tell them to, and keep their mouth shut.

For the Mafia to go to Jomar and talk to their key people in secret, and in doing so “mess up baggies” for the rest of us is “a piece of cake for them”. (I am not saying this happened, or that I have any proof whatsoever of this.  I am saying there was an enormously strong motivation to “mess up baggies so they did not work”, and that the Mafia could have easily made this happen by leaning on some Jomar Folks.)

Mafia force needs to be redirected towards “corrupt government officials”, “corrupt corporate officials”, and “all of the people who gained so much fiscally from all of the lies and subterfuge forced for decades upon us”.

If you can’t beat them join them, is what I am trying to convince Silicon Valley, the Mafia, and the Patriot Movement all at once.

The Mafia is not the biggest evil here, or even close.

They can be a Force for Great Good if they wanted to be, or were fiscally motivated to be–> which are more or less the same.  (Money talks, and bullshit walks is the Street phrase that applies here.)

The two mid-level Mafia fellows from Kansas City I met in Des Moines IA in OCT 2012 were both on my side after talking at some length, but their higher ups they met in downtown Des Moines at a meeting they attended went against them, and they were ordered to proceed with the hit against me.

Today, it would be a different story, I think.

The American Mafia has passed on many opportunities to take me out in the past year, Thank God.

If they did not pass on these opportunities, I would most probably be dead.

This has to mean something that they backed off trying to kill me.

Perhaps they are held in check by Google’s and Silicon Valley’s Awareness of me, and they still want me dead.

Or perhaps they are waiting to see what happens between the Patriot Movement, Silicon Valley, and the Feds. (To me, this is their wisest choice.  No one wants to be on the losing side of “the war we are in”.)

Despite the silence of the Mafia (they will not talk to me, despite being given multiple opportunities), I have to believe that these fellows want me to win, and to set up the deal I am proposing with Silicon Valley and the Patriot Movement, and have been proposing for some time.

If such is the case, there is no reason whatsoever for people here to fear helping me.

I personally am not afraid of the Mafia at all.

It’s the Feds that concern me, but even them I have No Fear Of Either.

Not here.

Not Anywhere really–> as long as “if I am killed, even in a sneaky way, the Smart Folks here will see through this staged event and know what really happened to me”.


Live or Die, I Feel Deeply Honored to Have Been Involved In A Critically Meaningful Way in an Effort To Save America, Humanity and the World.

I accept my Destiny, whatever it may be.

It would be Wise For Silicon Valley to Extract All of the Knowledge Value that it can from me while I am still here to tell this knowledge to you.

To Google–> The ball is in your court.

WordPress (Automattic) is too small and vulnerable to help me more than they are doing now it seems.

If they were not too small and vulnerable, the people involved with WordPress that are anonymously helping me online would have picked me up when I arrived here.

I am here to stay this time.

I am staying here in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area until Google and Silicon Valley either help me to help America and the world, or–>

I die from either natural or unnatural causes.

I cannot do the job God gave me on the means that I have, or do it alone.

Given the means and adequate support, I Can, and I Most Certainly Will, Change this World for the Better.

Lastly, The Truth is the Truth, regardless of the lowly stature, the looks, the means or the eccentricities of its purveyor.

Allen Darman with critical and heroic help from Mark Jaquith of and some critical and heroic help from some anonymous WordPress People Out Here




An Eloquent Excerpt From Reverend Martin Luther King’s I’ve Been To The Mountain Speech Applies 2 Allen D As Well (3-1-2014)

MARCH 1, 2014  58 COMMENTS

Federal Government and Other Hackers tend to like to interfere with Blog Short Links like this, but I put them up anyway in case they might work–>

The fellow below is a Well-Oiled Patriot Movement Website Development and  Blogging Machine, that’s the Truth.

According to Allen D—>

“My heroic WordPress Intuitive Collaborative Internet Team and I sure put up lots of Blogs and Web Pages on Multiple Websites in Support of Fostering the 1st “Truth Suppression Uncovering” Internet Woodstock.  Three out of 4 of us must have worked close to 500 hours each just in February alone.  That’s 1,500 hours of WordPress Website Development Time in a determined effort to get the 1st Internet Woodstock off the ground.   We hope that our Key Desired Partner in this Venture, Google, has taken notice of our hard work, our dedication, and our determination to move this Just Cause Forward.  Without the Internet Powerhouse called Google behind us, our 1st Internet Woodstock efforts really don’t stand a chance.”

Allen Darman is happy that the Feds are Done! No Matter What Happens 2 Him!


How Are Things For You Today?

Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself…

My name is Allen Darman. I often shorten this to Allen D…

I am a hippie from the sixties that still wants to change the world.  I am also an attendee at the Original Woodstock in ’69, a Promoter of the Idea to have an Internet Woodstock In Order To Foster Justifiable Revolution in America (Also see, a cigarette smoker and a pot smoker too! (Puff Puff Pass!), a Socratic Thinker, a bit of “an eccentric genius”, a real hard worker (I often blog for well over 12 hours a day), an Alternative Medical Discoverer and Co-Discoverer of the Proper Nutritional and Natural Measure Manner To Cure Depression, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, PTSD (and perhaps every other “Mental Illness” as well), an Author, an Internet Activist on Multiple Frontsan Expert on the Suppression of Truth, an American Patriot, a prolific WordPress blogger, the leader of a Heroic WordPress Collaborative Website Development Team, an Internet Revolutionary that is committed to Toppling Big Pharma, Big Oil, and our corrupt United States Government with the Truth, and perhaps most importantly… a Survivor of Dozens of Mafia Attempts over the past three and a half years (since January 2010) to take my life (on behalf of themselves and Big Pharma).

Martin Luther King gave a Great Speech! in Memphis TN on April 3, 1968.

Toward the end of the speech, King speaks about threats against his life. He uses language that seems to foreshadow his impending death:

The Excerpt Below comes from the Martin Luther King Speech commonly referred to as “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”.

And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers? … Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t really matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live – a long life; longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. So I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.

[End of Excerpt]

My comments in regard to the Above Excerpt from Martin Luther Kings “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Speech” as found on Wikipedia (and many other websites) are as follows…

I cannot Read This Material without tears coming to my eyes. These eloquent words so easily bring tears, for they strongly apply to me and my situation.

“I am a Dead Man that is Miraculously Still Walking, as many Powerful Powers That Be that I threaten with the Truth”. (In Truth, there has not been one single person in history that threatens more “Fiscal, Power and Prestige Loss” than me.)

Oddly, despite my likely Demise soon, There is No Need To Feel Sorry For Me…

Although I won’t be here much longer (the Feds sorely want me dead, and perhaps the Mafia still does too), I am Extremely Happy For All Of My Fellow Patriots and Fellow Americans. You should All Greatly Benefit from my Internet Martyrdom.

How will my death help you?

My being killed by either the Mafia or the Federal Government will almost certainly help to cause Justifiable Revolution in America!!!

Jesus gave his life for humanity, Martin Luther King gave his life for humanity, so did John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and apparently so am I going to “do the same”.

I fear no more. I fear neither the Mafia or the Feds.

I accept my Fate with Courage and Grace.

The Truth of the Matter is—> I am the Happiest Man Alive! That’s No Shit!


I will See You In Heaven when you make it there…

This is me in heaven still blogging 4 GOD and the TRUTH!

The Internet Changed The World For The Better!

Allen D

With Critical Heroic Expert WordPress Help from—> 

Mark J.


With Our Deeply Appreciated Help From GoogleFacebookTwitterthe People Underlying WordPress

And With Deeply Appreciated and Quite Heroic Help from—>

Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth!


Are Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Truth, Energy Invention Truth, and 9/11 Truth Internet Revolutionaries!


Internet Educational Course Development
WordPress Website Revolutionaries!
 as well.

We Won’t Take U.S. Government Lies and their Federal Government Suppression of Truth for an answer any more!

It Is About Time For The Truth To Set Our Fellow Americans and the Rest Of Humanity Free!


Some Related WordPress Blogs—>

1) About Allen D

2) From YouTube; 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth

3) Longstanding United States Federal Government Suppression of Energy Inventions (10-22-2013)


4) An Internet Based Federal Government Should Have Eight Presidents Rather Than One

5) Internet Woodstock Thinking On April 9 2012

6) Will The American Public Win The Race Against Big Pharma? (3-30-2011)

I survived a four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

7) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (Timeless> A WordPress Blog That *Tells My Alt Med Heart*)

I survived the same (as the above mentioned) four day long murder attempt by the Mafia in Phoenix AZ soon after this blog was written.

8) Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution

9) Obamacare Should Cause A Second Revolution In America (10-30-2013)

10) Some Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Health Care and Energy Costs (10-22-2011)

11) Governmental vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change (8-17-2010)

12) The FDA Will Mandate That Mental Illness Cannot Be Cured (9-19-2011)

13) The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010

14) Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)

15) Seven Persons That Redefined Healing For The World (11-4-2010)

16) Alarm!!! Beware of that New Internet Security Center Opening In Utah in 2013

17) About Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

18) The 1st Internet World War Has Begun!

19) The Power Of A Free And Open Internet Is Going To Soon Bury The U.S. Federal Government With The Truth!

20) 21 Revolution Educational Websites For The Patriot Movement In America

Some of our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s Many Patriotic and Revolutionary WordPress Websites:

Notable Quotes

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done. Steven Wright

I’m writing a book too… It is going to be a Collaborative Effort involving my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team and I… if I remain alive long enough. Otherwise “my Unwritten Book is all theirs”, to write as they see fit, and to use whatever Co-Authors that my Smart WordPress Collaborative Internet Team may or may not desire. Allen D

My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living. Anais Nin

My ideas usually come from those first few hits on a bong! Allen Darman


Tagged . (more coming)


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History Does Beckon Us All WordPress/Management/iDESK/ WEB PAGE>

History Does Beckon Us All!!!

ADOGG Is Getting Excited!!! About Getting On That Train Soon!

ADOGG Is Getting Excited About Being In San Francisco With His Friends Soon! (3-9-2014)

This blog Done 4 the Most Part. It is going to get a little more polish over the coming weeks and months (as I love to try to perfect what I write). The Material Below is a Very Worthy Read in it’s present state.

I am getting on that Amtrak train 2 Be With my heroic San Francisco WordPress and GOOGLE and Silicon Valley Friends!!!

I have repeatedly warned everyone about the Possibility of Not Making It due to Federal Action (or less likely, but still possible, action by the Mafia or the Illuminati).

These Warning Words Needed to be Written.

Not Only R They True, “They Serve To Protect Me”.

Don’t Misunderstand where I am coming from.

I have No Fear, and I am Dying 2 Get On the Train, accompanied or not.

I am THE MOST WILLING Martyr In History, Due to the Power of a Free and Open Internet.

I “know things are different this time”, and that—>

Someone At Some Point In Time is likely to Come Up To Me in San Francisco and Say—>

My Name is Such and Such and “I am One of Your 420WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Members”.

I will most certainly know what this means!

I KNOW that I will be in the Company of a TRUE American HERO when You Speak those Words to me!

I will Cherish The Day I hear anything similar to the above!

I Also KNOW that I Will Be In The Company of a VERY SMART and VERY HARD WORKING Hero at that!


God is Good 4 Sure.

Can You Imagine This Moment and What It Is Going To Mean for me!

Can You Imagine?

After All that I have been through… and that “We have Been Through Together”

The Moment I Meet U/U2 Face 2 Face Erases All of the Hardship, and—>

Begins All of the Joy!

The Joy of Making the 1st Internet TRUTH and FREEDOM Woodstock actually happen!

Yes, Dreams Do Come True!

Incidentally, Making WordPress Song Blogs Like This Is Great Fun!!!!!!!!

[Widespread WordPress Use Via Mandatory WordPress Education in Grade School and High School Is Going 2 Change America and then the World! if I have any say in the matter.]

Both America and the World are Waiting on a Sunny Day!

Thanks to my heroic Hardworking WordPress Team and—>

ALL Of the Heroic Smart People that run and work for GOOGLE!

With the Apparent Coming Assistance of the American Mafia “when the Time is Right”—>

We R Either GOING 2 SAVE THE WORLD, or we are going to die trying.

I have been 100% honest and Straight Up with Everyone for Quite Some Time Now.

We Need the Mafia, and They Need Us.

Force Simply Needs 2 Get Redirected.

And Paid as Promised, of course.

This Pay Does Not Come Without Work Involved.

The Mafia is “Going to Seek Fiscal and Property Repatriations for us”.

The Mafia is Going to Apply Force When Force Is Needed—>

And Under Silicon Valley’s Presidential Roundtable of 8 Direction.

For that, and—>

The Maintenance Of A Relationship of Mutual Respect at all Times—>

The Mafia Gets Paid.

The Mafia Also Gets A Seat At The Round Table, and—>

Perhaps Even Two, especially in the beginning—>

Because they are going to be real busy for a little while.

Two Seats Makes Sense From the Standpoint of the Fact that—>

A Core Team of Four is a Good Size to—>

Get a lot of things done with minimal hassle and cost, and—>

Because of this—>

Our Table of Eight Might Be Splitting Into Two Tables Of Four Sometimes.

If the Above is Going 2 Be the Case—>

The Mafia Should Get Two Seats—>

So that they are Never “Not Represented” at a “Management of America” Table.

We will learn a lot from the Mafia in regard to “how to fix things in America”, and—>

Perhaps Why Some of These Things Were Broken in the first place.

If my Dreams Come True—>

We will Save America and Become Very Good Friends!

Despite the Possibly Rocky Road the American Public will Most Probably Go Through—>

Pain and Suffering were Inevitable Given the Fiscal, FEMA Camp and “COMING MARTIAL LAW” Course (it must be coming because they are so heavily preparing for this) Our Current Federal Government has put us on.

It is Time 4 the LIES 2 STOP.


It is TIME 4 THE SMART PEOPLE in Silicon Valley 2—>


And To Take Over the Reins of America WITH THE HELP OF FORCE—>

In the Form of the American Mafia.

Jointly, We will SUCCEED IN THE END.


I believe it Wise that “We All Soon Meet As Soon As Is Practical or Possible”.

I am “Ready To Get Picked Up Tomorrow”, or the Day After, or the Day After That.

There is No Need 4 Me 2 Wait Until the 18th—>

If Someone On The Other End (either the Mafia or Silicon Valley) Is Ready To Begin Talking To Me Now.

Please Remember, There Are Substantial Stock Market Implications 2 What We Are Doing, and—>

Timing Is Everything in the boat we are all in.

We Are Dealing With the Biggest Wall Street Short Sale—>

In History, if this is Handled Right.

The Sooner We All Begin 2 Talk, the Better.

I Wrote a Blog with a Great Title Once!

History Beckons Us All (10-20-2013)

It’s True.

History Does Beckon Us All.

And Perhaps It Even Beckons People like Oprah Winfrey 2!

This is Just Some of Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Teams PATRIOT Movement Work—>

21 Patriot Movement EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES For A Justifiable PATRIOT Revolution IN AMERICA!

But Things Can Be Simplified 2!—>


Eight WordPress Websites That Changed The World!!! Visit Blog

Thank GOD! 4 The Internet Powerhouse called Google—>


Thank God For Google! The United States Of America and the World both Owe a Great Deal! to this Morally Driven Corporate Entity that Is A Champion For Internet Freedom And The Truth!

I love Google’s Mission Statement on their “About” Page—>

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Google’s “About Mission Statement” has “not one word out of order or out of place”, as far as I’m concerned. Perfectly Stated! And I could not agree more!

Incidentally, the Google Corporation plays a rather unique role in All Corporate History!

Google is essentially—>

“The Gateway to All Human Knowledge” in this modern day and age!!!

Wow! What could be More Special and More Powerful than being “The Gateway to All Human Knowledge”!

What a Special Destiny that Google has! (just as my WordPress Collaborative Internet Team has as well!)

Even if the Feds Shut Down the Internet, and thus temporarily strip Google from being able to—>

Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.


The exploding Patriot Movement will undoubtedly be able to “fix this Internet Censorship soon” (by one way or another).

Thank You Google! from the bottom of my heart!

In fact, >>>All<<< of us WordPressWarriors for the Truth Thank You Very Much!—>

For all of the very brave, if not heroic, Internet Search Results help that you are giving us! —>

On November 7, 2013, our WordPress Patriot Movement Website Development Team is either THE ENTIRE FRONT PAGE or ALMOST THE ENTIRE FRONT PAGE in regard to Google Search Results for—>

U.S. Government Suppression of Truth


federal government suppression of truth


social data revolution in America


social data revolution worldwide


1st Internet Woodstock


WordPress collaborative internet team

And for giving us “a Big Chunk of Page One For—>

the power of a free and open internet

As Far As My Heroic WordPress Team, GOOGLE, Facebook, Apple, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yahoo and the Rest Of Silicon Valley are Concerned—>

We Won’t Take Federal Lies and the Suppression of Truth for an answer any more!<<<

Our WordPress Collaborative Patriot Team’s>>> Primary PATRIOT MOVEMENT WordPress Website! <<

The following WordPress iDESKS (websites) Support the Above WordPress Management Website of

Below Are A Number of “Suppression Websites” Exposing The Longstanding And Pervasive Federal Government Suppression of Truth in the Alternative Medical Discovery and Energy Invention Realms.

Here is the 1st “Suppression Website”—>

A Website Exposing The Longstanding and Pervasive Federal Government Suppression Of Truth in the Alternative Medical Discovery And Energy Invention Discovery Realms.


Notable Quotes by 

ADOGG aka Allen Darman, NutrientsCure, Allen D and SmokeMasterAllen D

“I strongly believe in what I Am Doing, and I am getting a lot of anonymous help from some very powerful persons and parties over the Internet, to include the Google Corporation, the Facebook Corporation, the Company behind WordPress called Automattic, and Mark Jaquith of”  

“Oddly, the Mafia are NOT the Real Bad Guy here. If they Switch Sides, Many Mutual Benefits could emanate from this.”

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Allen Darman Allen Darman

I CONSIDER GOOGLE 2 BE My Savior, My Partner, My Employer and My Friend.

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Due 2 What My Team Did WordPress Website Development-wise And iROCK Apparently Being Backed By Google It Would Be Wise 4 Google, WordPress, Some Other Silicon Valley Players And The American Mafia To Get Together Soon

Due 2 What My Team Did WordPress Website Development-wise And iROCK Apparently Being Backed By Google It Would Be Wise 4 Google, WordPress, Some Other Silicon Valley Players And The American Mafia To Get Together Soon.