Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)


Dear Friends:

This blog is being written for those that have not heard “the story of Willy” over his 8th to 12th grade years yet.

There are three versions of my son Willy Darman’s recovery story (and soon to be a fourth). One version was written in June 2006, one was written in August 2007, and one was written in June 2009.

June 2006: https://nutrientscure.wordpress.com/2009/06/02/my-son-willys-original-adhdbipolar-recovery-story/

August 2007: https://nutrientscure.wordpress.com/2009/06/02/willys-three-year-adhdbipolar-recovery-story/

The blog below has a before and after picture of Willy at 10.5 and 17.5 years of age.

June 2009: http://my.opera.com/nutrientscure/blog/an-update-regarding-willys-amazing-recovery

For those persons that are not familiar with Willy Darman

My son Willy became an original discoverer of great healing truth when he was a thirteen year old child. Willy hit a home run for the entire world in the summer of 2004 when he insisted “Dad, just put everything together supplement-wise that helped you to get better, and I will take it all at once”. (Willy re-invented the decades old wisdom of a pioneer nutritionist named Adelle Davis when he said this.)

Willy worked hard on his recovery for years… putting forth effort in school, effort at home and in a health club lifting weights, and effort in regard to running. This hard work proved the validity of his simple yet profound discovery (of putting a wide range of nutritional and natural supplements together) in an anecdotal sense.

Willy taught the world a number of great lessons in regard to what health and health recovery is all about.

Willy proved that all essential nutrients matter, as far as one’s mental and physical health goes.

He proved that gut floral health matters.

He proved that avoidance of food allergens matters.

Willy proved that the simple measure of eating an apple or two can be an effective gut purge after ingesting some food allergens.

He proved that even a thirteen year old child can learn how to adequately correct malabsorption in himself.

He proved that one part of a supplement regime in order to heal should consist of the entire nutrient range taken all at once (assuming such is taken in an adequately complete and an adequately balanced fashion in which to do so).

Willy proved that even a thirteen year old child can effectively supplement himself (or herself) without any adult supervision other than guidance from afar. (I am a non-custodial father.)

Willy proved in a rather profound manner that drug-oriented medicine’s current chemical answer to either ADHD or bipolar disorder is absolutely nuts.

Most important of all, Willy proved to the world that even a thirteen year old child can understand most (if not all) of the fundamentals of the human body that are needed to be understood in order to be able to cure oneself.

In May 2010 Willy was asked “how long could he hold his breath underwater?”. He jumped in the pool to find out. He was underwater for five and a half minutes. From a weak sickly child all throughout his childhood Willy at nineteen years of age held his breath under water for five and a half minutes… on top of all of the other remarkable feats of strength or endurance he has accomplished.


Willy went from a weak sickly child throughout his childhood to “one in a million” his age and weight in regard to overall health, strength, and endurance. He overcame ADHD. And he overcame bipolar disorder. Willy did so despite the fact he ate what I consider a very mediocre and imperfect diet.

Willy is soon to begin his third year of college, and is doing very well.

Willy is proof by single anecdotal case that Willy’s Baggie, some gut biology correction, and some food allergy avoidance can have an absolutely profound effect on one’s mental and physical health.

The anecdotal case of Willy’s recovery (from an ADHD diagnosis, classic bipolar symptoms, and sickly childhood health) threatens the collapse of drug-oriented medicine. As many times as they have tried to kill me since January 2010, make no mistake about this.

Willy Darman’s Baggie of synergistic supplements is so broadly healing that it dooms Big Pharma. It dooms Big Pharma unless its bribery of FDA officials succeeds in taking numerous healing nutritional supplements away from the general public (as they are trying to do now).

Allen Darman



The gist of nutrientscure.wordpress.com


Cambridge Who’s Who And A Synopsis Of My Situation (October 2010)


iWowWe is my video conferencing and video email platform because it can translate multi-lingually in real time, I think. ADOGG

18 thoughts on “Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)

  1. * Allen, when doing a search for Willy Darman, you need to put the 2 words in one pair of quotes, like this: “Willy Darman”. That will show more closely how many times those 2 words are used together on the internet and it’s only 739 times until now. Without quotes, searches bring up all webpages that have those 2 words whether they’re together or not and, apparently, they’re not together in over 99% of the webpages. So the word isn’t getting out as much as you probably thought.
    * Now, if you do a search for [b]Darman ADHD[/b] without quotes, you find that gets 6,860 hits, which is a bit better.

  2. Thanks for clarifying this Lloyd. I simply deleted the “search count without the quote marks” line entirely to correct the error I made in the above blog.

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  13. Pingback: Germane Words From The Declaration of Independence and Some Reasons Why (10-9-2011) | Nutrientscure's Blog

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  15. Pingback: Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011) | Willy's Baggie Formula Ingredients and Why

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