Manic Tendencies And Sleep Problems Can Be Easily Controlled Using Inhibitory Nutritional Supplements

Manic Tendencies And Sleep Problems Can Be Easily Controlled Using Inhibitory Nutritional Supplements

Posted on December 2, 2013

A Pictorial And Musical Preface

The Picture Below is of my son Willy showing off his muscles in February 2008, when he was about seventeen and a half years old.  Willy generated the Leading ADHD and Bipolar Recovery Story In the World Between the Summer of 2004 and the Summer of 2009. It is Still the Leading Recovery Story in the World in these regards. What my son Willy and I Discovered in the Alternative Medical Arena threatens the collapse of Pharmaceutical Medicine Worldwide.  It is Absolutely A God Given Miracle that I am Still Alive. Allen D


1) Andy Cherry – Our God’s Alive

2) Bruce Springsteen – Waitin’ on a Sunny Day

This Bruce Springsteen Sunny Day Video is a Real Treat If You Have Not Seen It Yet!  Even if you have seen it—> It is Still A Real Treat! Thank You Bruce! Allen D


Dear Fellow Americans:

I am all better now, perhaps just a little tiny bit fatigued from an 80 hour straight work block (with no sleep at all) that was voluntarily undertaken by me in regard to blogging Critical and Time Sensitive Patriot Movement Educational Material with WordPress.

All you have to do in order to Adequately Control Manic Tendencies and/or a Problem with Getting To Sleep is to swallow a few dozen wisely chosen nutritional supplements or so!and drink a glass of practically anythinbut milk or hard liquor (beer is fine for most).

I drank Coca Cola tonight with my Supplement Regine because I needed the acid in it to break down some tablets that I had, instead of the capsules I normally use.  I should perhaps note that my stomach does not make enough stomach acid.  I am chronically deficient in this regard unless I take stomach acid supplements to make up for this deficiency.

Within five minutes or so of my taking the supplements that I needed to be able to go to sleep, I slept like a stone for about 3.25 hours.  Upon Wake Up I felt Just Fine! as a result of swallowing a small handful of inhibitory nutritional supplements.

It’s like hitting the Reset button on Your Brain to do the above.

It’s >>So Incredibly EASY!<< 2 >>Accomplish the Above when you know what you are doing.

This Is All No Surprise to me (the above)—> for I have personally used very similar methodology hundreds of times on myself in the past sixteen years or so (since the Fall of 1997).

I sure as hell do know what I am doing when it comes to this stuff because—>

I have Led the World (#1) in this Particular Area of Understanding (knowing how to use inhibitory nutritional supplements to maximize therapeutic results) since early September of 1997.

I learned much of the above the hard way—> by repeated life experiences and repeated life mistakes—> the latter of which I learned how to resolve better and better over time.

Allen D and Mark J and Heroic Help from Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth


A Very Closely Related Blog—>

How I Slowed My Brain Down and Got Off Sleep Medication (2010)
